• Nous protégeons vos intérêts en surveillant et en réglementant la pratique de la psychologie
  • Réglementation des analystes du comportement
  • Nous devons tous travailler ensemble pour faire mieux

en savoir plus sur l’order

L’Ordre des psychologues de l’Ontario est l’organisme de réglementation des psychologues et des associés en psychologie en Ontario. L’Ordre n’est ni une université, ni une école, ni un collège communautaire. Il a pour mandat de protéger vos intérêts en surveillant et en réglementant l’exercice de la psychologie.



The College has received numerous inquiries about the opening date for Entry Level Supervised Practice: Behaviour Analyst registration. We are excited to announce that registration for Supervised Practice applicants will open in Fall 2024. The exact date will be announced shortly. In the meantime, we encourage prospective applicants to: We […]   Plus >>>


During the fourth quarter, the Quality Assurance Committee of the College continued to plan for changes that will better assist registrants in maintaining their professional knowledge, skill and experience.   Plus >>>


The College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario is the governing body for psychological and applied behaviour analysis (ABA) practitioners, Psychologists, Psychological Associates and Behaviour Analysts, in Ontario. The College’s mandate is to protect the public interest by monitoring and regulating the practice of psychology and ABA. Through the participation […]   Plus >>>


The College has received numerous inquiries about the opening date for Entry Level Supervised Practice: Behaviour Analyst registration. We are excited to announce that registration for Supervised Practice applicants will open in Fall 2024. The exact date will be announced shortly. In the meantime, we encourage prospective applicants to: We […]   Plus >>>


[TORONTO, June 27, 2024] – On July 1, 2024, the province of Ontario will have reached a significant milestone as the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021 is proclaimed into law. The Act signifies a culmination of efforts towards ensuring greater access to ABA services and the assurance of […]   Plus >>>


The next meeting of the College Council will be held on Friday, June 14, 2024. The Agenda and Materials are available below. This meeting will be held virtually through YouTube. To watch please click here.   Plus >>>