
2021 Quality Assurance Requirements – Declarations Due June 30, 2021

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA) requires all regulatory health Colleges to administer a mandatory Quality Assurance Program. As defined in the Health Professions Procedural Code of the RHPA, the program is « to assure the quality of practice of the profession and to promote continuing evaluation, competence and improvement among the members. » Under Ontario Regulation 209/94 to the Psychology Act, 1991, the Quality Assurance Program of the College of Psychologists of Ontario has the following components:

  1. Self-assessment.
  2. Peer and practice assessment.
  3. Continuing education and professional development
  4. Mechanisms for the College to monitor members’ participation in, and compliance with, the program

The need for safe and competent psychological services has continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and, although the experiences of the past year have introduced many challenges for all of us, the legislated requirements for Quality Assurance activities by the College remain as relevant as ever.

The College recognizes that, in some cases, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult to engage in in-person QA related activities. If members are unable to meet any of the QA requirements for reasons related to the pandemic, they are asked to contact, describing the specific obstacles preventing completion of the requirements.

Members with an « odd » registration number, or those holding an Interim Autonomous Practice Certificate of Registration or a Supervised Practice Certificate of Registration may be required to complete one or two components of the Quality Assurance Program this year. Please see below for a description of the Self-Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan (SAG) and the Continuing Professional Development Program (CPD) to determine which component(s) of the Quality Assurance Program you must complete this year.   

Self Assessment

The Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan, and the on-line Declaration of Completion, are now available for completion this year by members with « odd registration numbers » and all members with Certificates Authorizing Supervised or Interim Autonomous Practice.

1. Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan

Members with the following certificates are required to make the Declaration of Completed for the SAG by June 30, 2021

  • Autonomous Practice Certificate – Odd registration number
  • Interim Autonomous Practice Certificate – All
  • Supervised Practice Certificate – All
  • Academic Certificate – Odd registration number
  • Inactive Certificate – Odd registration number

The Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan forms are available on the College website in the Quality Assurance section. Click Here to download the 2021 form.

The Declaration of Completion is now electronic. After completing the form you are asked please log into your account, where you will see a side menu with a link to the Declaration of Completion form for the Self-Assessment Guide. You are not required to send in the fully completed SAG if you submit your Declaration by June 30, 2021.  

Continuing Professional Development

Members with « odd » registration numbers are required to make an online Declaration of Completion of the Continuing Professional Development Program requirements for the 2019-2021 CPD cycle this year. Due to the rolling nature of two-year CPD cycles, it is not feasible to extend the deadline for completion or the required number of credits without affecting the subsequent cycle dates and credit requirements, which would likely cause confusion in the future.

Members with « odd » registration numbers should complete the requirements of both programs and make the two separate Declarations as soon as possible and no later than June 30, 2021.

2. Mandatory Continuing Professional Development Program

All members, except for those holding a Retired Certificate of Registration, are required to complete the requirements of the Mandatory CPD program every two years and are required to make a Declaration that they have completed the requirements at the end of every two-year cycle. The two-year cycle begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 two years later.

Members with the following certificates are required to make the Declaration of Completed for the CPD program by June 30, 2021:

  • Autonomous Practice Certificate – Odd registration number
  • Interim Autonomous Practice Certificate – Odd registration number
  • Supervised Practice Certificate – Odd registration number
  • Academic Certificate – Odd registration number
  • Inactive Certificate – Odd registration number

The Declaration of Completion is electronic. You may complete it by logging into your account where you will see a new side menu with a link to the Declaration of Completion form for the CPD program. You are not required to send in your CPD materials if you submit your Declaration by June 30, 2021.

We recognize that the social distancing required to avoid transmission of COVID-19 may mean delays in some opportunities for members to participate in CPD activities that involve face to face interaction. We ask that members do not place themselves, their families, or members of the community at any risk out of concern about collecting adequate credits for the current CPD cycle. If you are unable to obtain all of the required credits for reasons related to the pandemic, please complete the Alternate Declaration form, which is provided in the same location as the regular form.

Information about documenting your CPD requirements is available on the College website:

If you have any questions or if there are extenuating circumstances which may impact on your ability to complete the forms and make the Declarations please don’t hesitate to contact Ms. Madeleine Lee at or Ms. Julie Hahn at