Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is a statutory Committee as required by the Health Professions Procedural Code (Code) being schedule 2 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. This Committee is elected from, and by, the members of the College Council. Its role is to monitor and coordinate the work of Committees and ensure that the Council has all relevant and pertinent information it requires for effective decision-making.
Executive Committee Members: 2024-2025
Ian Nicholson | President |
Peter Bieling | Vice-President |
Glenn Webster | Council, Professional Member |
Fred Schmidt | Council, Professional Member |
Olivia Ng | Council, Professional Member |
Scott Warnock | Council, Public Member |
Paul Stopciati | Council, Public Member |
Registration Committee
The statutory Registration Committee reviews applications for registration when there is a question as to whether the applicant meets the College’s registration requirements. is composed of at least three members of the College Council who are members of the College, at least two public members of the Council, and at least two members of the College who are not members of the Council.
If it appears that an applicant meets the College’s registration qualifications and requirements, the Registrar may issue a certificate of registration. If it does not appear that the applicant meets the qualifications and requirements, the Registrar refers the matter to the Registration Committee. A panel of the Registration Committee will review the application to determine the eligibility of the applicant. In addition, applicants may be referred to the Registration Committee for advice and recommendations as to what they might need to do to meet the registration requirements and to acquire and be able to demonstrate the knowledge and skills required for area of practice in which they are interested.
Peter Bieling | Council co-Chair |
Fred Schmidt | Council, co-Chair |
Conrad Leung | Council, co-Chair |
Maggie Toplak | Council |
Kendra Thomson | Council |
Kay Narula | Council |
Paul Stopciati | Council, Public Member |
Nadia Mocan | Council, Public Member |
Mary Kalantzis | Council, Public Member |
Ken Moreau | Council, Public Member |
Adrienne Perry | College |
Amardeep Badwall-Brown | College |
Mark Watson | College |
Sheila Tervit | College |
Jasmine Peterson | College |
Kelly An | College |
Kate Guyett | College |
Melissa Elliott | College |
Morgan Sanchez | College |
Nezihe Elik | College |
Gani Braimoh | College |
Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee
The Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee is a statutory committee as required by the Code. It is responsible for the investigation of complaints, the approval and disposition of Registrar’s Investigations, with respect to the conduct and competence of members and inquiries into concerns regarding a member’s capacity. Every matter is considered by a panel of the Committee comprised of two professional members and one public member of the College Council. Following consideration of all relevant information in a matter, the panel renders a decision to the parties.
ICRC Committee Members: 2024-2025
Allyson Harrison | College, Chair |
Jacob Kaiserman | Council |
Rachel Wayne | Council |
Kay Narula | Council |
Olivia Ng | Council |
Scott Warnock | Council, Public Member |
Cenobar Parker | Council, Public Member |
Esther Vlessing | Council, Public Member |
Ken Moreau | Council, Public Member |
Basmah Alkatranji | College |
Crystal Willett | College |
Marilyn Keyes | College |
Naomi Sankar-Deleeuw | College |
Denise Milovan | College |
Tanaya Chatterjee | College |
Karen Macleod | College |
Kirsten Barr | College |
Leah Zalan | College |
Lixian Bao | College |
Marie-Sjaan Berends-Booth | College |
Mai Trai Nguyen | College |
Nicole Neil | College |
Darlene Walker | College |
Christie Yao | College |
Oliver Foese | College |
Fitness to Practice Committee
The role of the statutory Fitness to Practice Committee is to conduct hearings in matters referred by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee to determine whether a member is incapacitated. The Committee is composed of at least two professional and one public member of Council and at least two members of the College who are not Council members. In making its determination, the Committee considers if the member is suffering from a physical or mental condition or disorder that makes it desirable in the interest of the public that the member’s certificate of registration be subject to terms, conditions or limitations, or that the member no longer be permitted to practice. The Committee is also responsible for hearing applications for reinstatement by members whose certificate of registration was revoked following incapacity proceedings.
Fitness to Practice Committee Members: 2024-2025
Ian Nicholson | Council, Chair |
Glenn Webster | Council |
Kendra Thomson | Council |
Esther Vlessing | Council, Public Member |
Aliana Weavers | College |
Alan MacDonald | College |
Sandra Jackson | College |
Discipline Committee
The statutory Discipline Committee conducts hearings into allegations of misconduct and/or incompetence, referred by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee. The Committee also is responsible for holding hearings of applications for the reinstatement of a certificate of registration which has been revoked as a result of a disciplinary proceeding. The Discipline Committee is composed of a number of members of the profession representing the wide range of areas of professional practice as well as all members of the College Council both public and professional.
Discipline Committee Members: 2023-2024
Janice Currie | College, Chair |
Kay Narula | Council, Vice-Chair |
Jacob Kaiserman | Council |
Ian Nicholson | Council |
Fred Schmidt | Council |
Wanda Towers | Council |
Peter Bieling | Council |
Rachel Wayne | Council |
David Kurzman | Council |
Maggie Toplak | Council |
Glenn Webster | Council |
Kendra Thomson | Council |
Conrad Leung | Council |
Olivia Ng | Council |
Paul Stopciati | Council, Public Member |
Nadia Mocan | Council, Public Member |
Scott Warnock | Council, Public Member |
Esther Vlessing | Council, Public Member |
Pascale Gonthier | Council, Public Member |
Cenobar Parker | Council, Public Member |
Mary Kalantzis | Council, Public Member |
Ken Moreau | Council, Public Member |
Robert Gauthier | College |
Lynette Eulette | College |
Anthony Hopley | College |
Michael Grand | College |
Robert Smith | College |
Pamela Wilansky | College |
Deirdre Boyle | College |
David Gold | College |
Michael Minden | College |
Marissa Leuzzi | College |
Maggie Mamen | College |
Lyzon Babchishin | College |
Allison Eades | College |
Quality Assurance Committee
The statutory Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for the implementation of the College’s Quality Assurance Program including continued professional development. It is composed of at least two professional and one public member of Council, and at least two members of the College who are not on Council. The Committee is responsible for the development, monitoring and auditing of the Self-Assessment Guide and Professional Development Plan, mandatory Continued Professional Development and the Peer Assisted Review process. It also advises the College Council on policies and guidelines related to Quality Assurance.
Quality Assurance Committee Members: 2024-2025
David Howard | College, Chair |
David Kurzman | Council, Vice-Chair |
Wanda Towers | Council |
Glenn Webster | Council |
Conrad Leung* | Council |
Pascale Gonthier | Council, Public Member |
Nadia Mocan | Council, Public Member |
Sabrina Hassan | College |
Lital Rotman | College |
Sandra O’Doherty | College |
Sonia Levy | College |
Bruno Losier | College |
Melanie Morrow | College |
Tara Ouellette | College |
Client Relations Committee
The statutory Client Relations Committee advises the Council on the College’s Client Relations Program including measures for preventing sexual abuse of clients by practitioners. It is composed of at least two professional and two public members of Council and at least two members of the College who are not on Council. The Client Relations Committee administers the College’s Funding for Therapy or Counselling Program for Patient/Client Victims of Sexual Abuse by a Member and develops educational materials for members including guidelines for the conduct of members with their clients, training for College staff and the provision of information to the public.
Client Relations Committee Members: 2024-2025
Esther Vlessing | Council, Public Member Chair |
Jacob Kaiserman | Council |
Rachel Wayne | Council |
Olivia Ng | Council |
Pascale Gonthier | Council, Public Member |
Ken Moreau | Council, Public Member |
Diana Mandeleew | College |
Christine Heger | College |
Claude Balthazard | College |
Kimberly Moore | College |
Finance and Audit Committee
This non-statutory Committee assists the Council in fulfilling its fiduciary duties of overseeing the College’s finances, ensures that financial statements are reasonable and that internal controls are adequate. The Committee is composed of the College President, one professional and two public members of Council and one professional, non-Council member. The Finance and Audit Committee does the initial review and approval of the draft annual budget meets with the auditor to review the audited financial statements and discuss any recommendations arising. In performing its role, the Finance and Audit Committee reviews and makes recommendations to Council regarding the College’s banking practices, investments, levels of approval and disbursement procedures relating to purchased goods and services, major capital budget and facilities expenses and any other matters related to financial policies.
Finance and Audit Committee Members: 2024-2025
Ian Nicholson | Council, Chair |
David Kurzman | Council |
Paul Stopciati | Council, Public Member |
Cenobar Parker | Council, Public Member |
Duncan Day | College |
Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination Committee
The non-statutory Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination Committee provides advice to Council on matters respecting the Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination (JEE) and is responsible for item development, test construction, and standard setting. This Committee is composed of one public member of Council as well as nine members of the profession with knowledge and expertise with regard to the legislation, standards and ethics of the profession.
Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination Committee Members: 2024-2025
Jennifer McTaggart | College, Chair |
Ian Nicholson | Council |
Audrey Cooley | College |
Karina Royer-Gagnier | College |
Donna Ferguson | College |
Julie Paré | College |
Susan Vandermorris | College |
Scott Warnock | Public Member |