
Preparing for Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Regulation Update

The College is pleased to announce the Government’s approval of the proposed amendments to Registration Regulation (O. Reg. 74/15), General Regulation (O. Reg. 209/94) and Professional Misconduct Regulation (O. Reg. 801/93), for the profession of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). Effective July 1, 2024, the Psychology Act, 1991, will be repealed and replaced by the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021. After that date, only ABA practitioners who are registered with the College will be allowed to use the title “Behaviour Analyst” in Ontario. 

The College is expecting to begin pre-registration in the Fall 2023.  At that time, Behaviour Analysts currently in practice, and new graduates, who meet the registration requirements, will be able to apply to the College.  A Self-Screening Tool has been designed for practitioners of behaviour analysis, therapy, or intervention to assist them in determining whether they will need to apply to the College once preregistration opens. To view the Self-Screening Tool click here.

The Registration Regulations and associated policies that will inform implementation of the regulations are currently under development. In the meantime, the College has developed Flowcharts which illustrate the registration pathways for Transitional Route and Entry Level Route applicants. The Guide to Applying for Registration As a Behaviour Analyst Using Transitional Routes provides additional information for transitional route applicants, while entry level applicants can find more information about the entry level route to registration here.

Another important milestone was reached on June 16, 2023, when College’s Council approved the competency profile and blueprint for the College’s examination of competence or knowledge in ABA as required by the yet to be proclaimed Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021. To view the Competency Profile and Examination Blueprint for Behaviour Analysts in Ontario click here.

You are invited to check the College’s ABA portal for new updates and FAQs as they become available. For specific inquiries or other matters related to ABA regulation in Ontario, please contact Ms. Emily Sarmento, ABA Coordinator, at aba@cpbao.ca.