The College Council met virtually on June 14, 2024. Information provided to members of Council for their review in preparation for their deliberations and decision-making was posted on the homepage of the College website a week in advance of the meeting. Following the meeting, this information was archived and is available on the website in the Council Meeting Materials Reference Library.
Since the March meeting there have been several changes to the College Council. Dr. Archie Kwan (District 6, GTA West), Ms. Melanie Morrow (District 7, Psychological Associates) and Dr. Adrienne Perry (District 8, Academic) completed their terms of office. We gratefully acknowledge their contributions and many years of service. We are pleased to welcome new Council members, Dr. Rachel Wayne, and Dr. Maggie Toplak representing District 6 and District 8 respectively.
As a first order of business, the Council elected the Executive Committee for the 2024-2025 year. We are pleased to congratulate:
Dr. Ian Nicholson – President
Dr. Peter Bieling – Vice-President
Mr. Glenn Webster – Professional Member
Dr. Fred Schmidt – Professional Member
Mr. Paul Stopciati – Public Member
Mr. Scott Warnock – Public Member
Telepsychology MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding):
- Approved Registrar to develop an MOU with Manitoba to allow psychologists to provide telepsychology services to Northwestern Ontario residents.
- Update provided on MOU with British Columbia, aiming to ensure stability and collaboration during the transition to the new C7 College.
Reserve Funds Policy:
- Approved amendments to Policy III F-2 to reallocate Fee Stabilization Fund to Contingency Reserve Fund.
Inclusion of ABA in College Policies:
- Approved changes to include Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) in the College Policies and Procedures Manual.
EDI Working Group Report:
- Approved Health Equity Impact Assessment results and tasked the EDI Working Group to develop an EDI plan.
Effective July 1, 2024, the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario will expand its regulatory scope to include the profession of applied behavior analysis (ABA), in accordance with the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021. At the March 2024 Council Meeting, amendments to the By-Laws were approved to reflect this change, including representation of all registration titles on statutory committees, including Psychologists, Psychological Associates, and Behaviour Analysts.
The inaugural election for District 8 (Behaviour Analysts) will run from July 8 to September 6, 2024 with the first meeting of the newly constituted Council on September 27th. To maintain operational continuity, it is proposed that interim appointments of Behaviour Analysts to Council and Committees be made until formal elections and appointments are completed.
The next meeting of Council will be held in-person on September 27, 2024.