Registration Regulations
UPDATED: April 2019
The Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP) is one of two written examinations that candidates are required to pass in order to obtain a certificate of registration authorizing autonomous practice.
The EPPP is a standardized multiple choice examination delivered through computer-based administration. The examination is constructed in accordance with a job content analysis of the knowledge base that is required for the independent practice of the profession of psychology. Further details of the examination’s content and validation can be found in the “EPPP Candidate Handbook” available for free download at the website of the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) at .
Registering for the EPPP
Once the College approves an applicant for registration, the College will provide them with information on how to log-in to ASPPB’s candidate application system and register to take the EPPP. The examination is available throughout the year at dates of the candidates’ choosing at authorized Pearson Vue Testing Centres. Further information about registering for the EPPP may be found in the ASPPB’s “EPPP Candidate Handbook”.
Fee for the EPPP
Candidates are required to pay the examination fee by credit card at the time of registering to take the EPPP. There is also a separate test centre appointment fee which is payable at the same time as the examination fee. Please refer to Appendix A, Fees in the Registration Process, for the current EPPP fees.
Passpoint of the EPPP
The ASPPB National Scaled Score is an arithmetic conversion of raw scores to a scale that ranges from 200 to 800. The College has adopted the ASPPB recommended passing score which is a scaled score of 500.
Number of attempts at the EPPP
Candidates may attempt the EPPP a maximum of four times. This includes all attempts of this examination in any jurisdiction, not solely the times this examination was attempted as an Ontario candidate.
Supervised Practice members must, in order to remain in good standing, attempt the EPPP within a year of issuance of the certificate authorizing supervised practice.
Candidates who cannot demonstrate through the passing of the EPPP, the core knowledge of psychology, are not permitted to continue to practise indefinitely under supervision. The certificate authorizing supervised practice may not be issued for a period of greater than two years.
Should the certificate authorizing supervised practice be suspended at the two year point for failure to pass the EPPP (before reaching the maximum number of attempts permitted at the EPPP), candidates may subsequently:
i) submit a passing score on the EPPP;
ii) submit agreement forms from two supervisors in accordance with the guidelines for supervised practice; and
iii) submit the same Declaration of Competence that was in effect at the time of the suspension. At the discretion of the Registration Committee, applicants may remove categories from the Declaration of Competence, but may not make additions.
The certificate authorizing supervised practice will then be re-issued for a period of not less than three months nor more than nine months to enable the supervised member to proceed to an Oral Examination with current ratings from supervisors to indicate readiness for autonomous practice.
Language of the EPPP
The EPPP is available in English or French. Language choice is specified at the time of registering to take the examination.
The Registration Regulation, Section 3. 2., states that, “The applicant must be able with reasonable fluency to speak and write either English or French.” Therefore, candidates for whom English or French is not a first language must prepare to write the EPPP in the standard writing time.
Examination accommodations
All examination centres are fully accessible. Candidates who require examination accommodations arising from documented disabilities or impairments must complete the College’s Examination Accommodation Form and provide the College with the required supporting documentation. The form may be completed at the time of initial application to the College, or later if necessary. In order to allow the College sufficient time to approve and arrange the specified accommodation, applicants are required to submit the form and supporting documentation at least 60 calendar days prior to the examination date.
The College’s Examination Accommodation Policy is found in Appendix G of these guidelines. The Examination Accommodation Form is available on the College’s website as part of the Application for Supervised Practice.
Accommodations for the EPPP can only be made available consistent with what is allowable by the examination owner, the ASPPB, and provided through the testing agency (Pearson Vue) that administers the examination.
Questions for the College regarding examination accommodations should be directed to
Implications of cheating
If the College receives a report from ASPPB or a Pearson Vue Testing Centre that a candidate participated in any irregularity occurring prior to, during, or subsequent to this examination, such as giving or obtaining unauthorized information or aid, as evidenced by observation or subsequent statistical analysis, the College reserves the right to invalidate the candidate’s examination score.
Results of the EPPP
Candidates will receive their unofficial EPPP result immediately following their examination at the testing centre. The results of the examination are sent to the College on a weekly basis by the ASPPB, the College then mails the official examination result to the candidate by regular mail. Examination scores will not be given to candidates by telephone or e-mail.
Important deadlines
Without exception, in order for a candidate to be eligible to take a December oral examination, the EPPP must be written on or before October 31st . In order for a candidate to be eligible to take a June oral examination, the EPPP must be written on or before April 30th.
The JEE is one of two written examinations that candidates are required to pass in order to obtain a certificate of registration authorizing autonomous practice. The examination focuses on legislation, regulations, standards, guidelines, and codes of ethics, applicable to the practice of psychology in Ontario. The College administers the JEE on two occasions a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, at several examination centres in the province.
The JEE will not include questions based upon changes in legislation, regulations, standards, guidelines, and codes of ethics that occurred in the six months prior to the examination administration date.
Composition of the JEE
Each examination consists of 60 multiple-choice questions drawn from a large pool of items developed by subject matter experts. Each item is categorized according to its Activity and Content area. Activity and Content categories, defined below, were developed to reflect the breadth of members’ work and were informed by a psychology practice analysis.
Activities are the areas in which members apply their professional knowledge and skills. There are three Activity categories – Practice, Research, and Teaching/Supervision – defined below:
Practice refers to activities of members of the College related to the application of psychology to human issues and/or problems, and includes applications of Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychology, School Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology, Forensic/Correctional Psychology, Health Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology, Industrial/ Organizational Psychology, and Academic Psychology.
Research refers to Activities of members related to systematic investigation to establish facts, principles or generalizable knowledge and dissemination of that knowledge. This category does not include the study of available information for quality management or program evaluation purposes; such activities are classified below as a business practice.
Teaching/supervision refers to Activities of members related to teaching, training, and supervision of students, interns, registration candidates and non-regulated professionals.
Content areas are domains of legislation, regulations, standards, and codes of ethics relevant to the practice of psychology. There are seven Content categories, defined below.
Managing Boundaries/Dual Relationships
Avoidance and management of dual and multiple relationships and the establishment and maintenance of boundaries, in the three activities of practice, research, and teaching/supervision. (For example: conflicts of interest; unacceptable dual/multiple relationships; methods for managing dual/multiple relationships and conflicts of interest; appropriate boundaries; risk to boundaries; and knowledge of relevant legislation and regulations.)
Business-Professional Practices/Quality Assurance
Appropriate business practices related to the three activities of practice, research and teaching/supervision. (For example: advertising; use of title; billing practices; arrangements for absences; fiscal and personnel management; mandatory reporting responsibilities as manager or partner; quality management activities; ongoing continuing education practices; accountability to the College and other regulators, including College Quality Assurance Reports, response to College inquiries; submission of research progress reports to granting agencies; required office safety inspections.)
Professional behaviour in the three activities of practice, research and teaching/supervision. Courtesy, respectfulness, civility and sensitivity in interactions with clients, students, research participants, colleagues, members of other professions and disciplines, and the public. (For example: self-monitoring, cultural sensitivity, timeliness of response, clarity and tone of communications, sensitive communication of feedback.)
Confidentiality/Privacy/Record Keeping
Protections, security, and exceptions regarding privacy and maintaining confidentiality, as related to the three activities of practice, research and teaching/supervision. (For example: limitations on information to be collected; maintaining security of collected information; ownership of and rights to access stored confidential information; protection of privacy of third parties, duty to protect/warn; mandatory reporting of a child in need of protection; mandatory reporting of sexual abuse by regulated health professionals; and knowledge of relevant legislation and regulations.)
Service Delivery
The process and procedures related to the three activities of practice, research and teaching/supervision. (For example: knowledge of the scope of practice of members and its relationship to other professionals; competence; risk-benefit analyses; adequacy of assessment tools and practices; awareness and appropriate management of biases and values.)
Providing accurate, clearer, objective and understandable feedback and reports regarding assessments, diagnoses, evaluations, and findings, as related to the three activities of practice, research and teaching/supervision. (For example: communicating a diagnosis; writing reports and articles that are clear, justifiable, and balanced; and attending to characteristics such as sensory impairments.)
Informed Consent
Informed consent in the context of the three activities of practice, research and teaching/supervision, and for the release of confidential information. Includes awareness of issues with respect to vulnerable populations.
(For example: capacity, freedom of consent, adequacy of information provided, substitute decision-making, assent, use of consent forms; and knowledge of relevant legislation and regulations).
Examination blueprint
Each JEE is constructed to conform to the examination blueprint, which determines the percentage of examination questions that fall into a particular Activity or Content category. The percentages and percentage ranges that appear in the table below were designed to reflect the relative frequency with which they are represented in the work of members of the College.
Activity | Practice |
Research |
Teaching/Supervision |
Average % of Exam Questions |
Content | ||||
Managing Boundaries and Multiple Relationships |
16% |
Business-Professional Practice |
10% |
Professionalism |
16% |
Confidentiality and Privacy |
18% |
Service Delivery |
12% |
Feedback and Reports |
12% |
Informed Consent |
16% |
% of Examination Questions | 68%-75% |
7%-13% |
15%-22% |
Preparing to take the JEE
In addition to the document titled List of Statutes and Standards Relevant to the Practice of Psychology in Ontario published by the College, the College recommends that candidates review the preparatory information outlined in the document entitled Preparing to take the Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination. This document outlines strategies for studying for the JEE, strategies for taking multiple choice examinations, as well as sample questions and answers. Candidates are also encouraged to review the Supervision Resource Manual, as it contains information to help in preparation for the JEE.
Timing of the JEE
The College administers the JEE twice per year, once in the spring and once in the fall, at several examination centres in the province. Details about the examination location are provided to candidates once their registration for the examination has been confirmed.
Registration and fee for the JEE
Advance registration for the JEE is required. The College will send notification to all eligible candidates approximately two months in advance of the examination date. Only eligible candidates are permitted to take the JEE. To be eligible, the candidate must have submitted an application for registration to the College and received written confirmation of eligibility. The fee for taking the JEE is, in all cases, payable in advance of taking the examination. Please see Appendix A, Fees in the Registration Process, for the current fee.
If a candidate finds that they are unable to attend the examination, they must notify the College in writing in advance to cancel their administration.
For notices of cancellation received more than 5 business days before the examination date, the College will refund the full examination fee.
For notices of cancellation received in 5 business days or less before the examination date, the College will refund the examination fee, minus a $60.00 cancellation fee.
Number of attempts at the JEE
Candidates may attempt the JEE a maximum of four times. Supervised members must, in order to remain in good standing, attempt the JEE within a year of issuance of the certificate authorizing supervised practice.
Candidates who cannot demonstrate through the passing of the JEE, the knowledge of the legislation, ethics and standards relevant to the practice of psychology in Ontario, are not permitted to continue to practise indefinitely under supervision. The certificate authorizing supervised practice may not be issued for a period of greater than two years.
Should the certificate authorizing supervised practice be suspended at the two year point for failure to pass the JEE (before reaching the maximum number of attempts permitted at the JEE), candidates may subsequently:
i) submit a passing score on the JEE;
ii) submit agreement forms from two supervisors in accordance with the guidelines for supervised practice; and
iii) submit the same Declaration of Competence that was in effect at the time of the suspension. At the discretion of the Registration Committee, applicants may remove categories from the Declaration of Competence, but may not make additions.
The certificate authorizing supervised practice will then be re-issued for a period of not less than three months nor more than nine months to enable the supervised member to proceed to an Oral Examination with current ratings from supervisors to indicate readiness for autonomous practice.
Language of the JEE
The JEE is provided to all candidates in a bilingual format printed with the English language version of the examination of the right hand side of the booklet and with the French language version on the left side.
The Registration Regulation, Section 3. 2., states that, “The applicant must be able with reasonable fluency to speak and write either English or French.” Therefore, candidates for whom English or French is not a first language must prepare to write the JEE in the standard writing time.
Examination accommodations
The College ensures that examination centres are fully accessible. Candidates who require examination accommodations arising from documented disabilities or impairments must complete the College’s Examination Accommodation Form and provide the College with the required supporting documentation. The form may be completed at the time of initial application to the College, or later if necessary. In order to allow the College sufficient time to approve and arrange the specified accommodation, applicants are required to submit the form and supporting documentation at least 60 calendar days prior to the examination date.
The College’s Examination Accommodation Policy is found in Appendix G of these guidelines. The Examination Accommodation Form is available on the College’s website as part of the Application for Supervised Practice.
Questions for the College regarding examination accommodations should be directed to
On the day of the JEE
When candidates arrive at the examination location they will be asked to sign an attendance roster and present government issued identification that includes both a photograph and signature (e.g. passport or driver’s license). Candidates will then be asked to locate their seat, which typically will be marked with a name card.
It’s recommended that candidates bring ear plugs. Some examination rooms may not have a wall clock available. Although the proctor will announce the time, candidates may find it helpful to bring a wristwatch. “Smart Watches” (e.g. Apple/Android Watch) are not permitted. Candidates may bring a water bottle/beverage. Because temperatures at the examination location may vary either way, dressing in layers is strongly recommended.
Candidates may not use books, calculators, papers, notes, cell phones, computers, PDAs, Smart Watches or other aids of any kind during the examination. Candidates will be asked to turn off cell phones and store them away with their belongings.
Late arrival policy
Latecomers will not be allowed any additional time beyond the scheduled examination completion time. The examination proctor has the discretion to deny access to latecomers. Normally, individuals who arrive more than 30 minutes after the scheduled start time will not be admitted to the examination.
Implications of cheating
If the College receives a report from a proctor that a candidate participated in any irregularity, such as giving or obtaining unauthorized information, the College reserves the right to invalidate the candidate’s examination score.
Acknowledgement of confidentiality
The questions on the JEE are confidential and are the exclusive property of the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario. Candidates will be asked to sign an acknowledgement of confidentiality when completing the JEE registration form. An example of this acknowledgement follows:
![]() Candidate AcknowledgementBy taking this examination, I hereby acknowledge that I understand and agree to the following:
Passpoint for the JEE
The JEE is a criterion-referenced examination. This means that a specified level of knowledge is expected of those who pass the examination. It is not enough to say that your score was higher than a certain percentage of other candidates. Showing that you have a knowledge base at an entry-to-practice level is required.
The Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination Committee sets the cutscore or passpoint for each administration of the examination using the following procedure:
a) As individual examination questions are developed, a modified Angoff procedure is conducted by the Committee and an Angoff score established for each question.
b) The Angoff score for a given administration of the examination is the average of the Angoff scores for the individual questions on the examination.
c) Once the examinations have been scored, the Standard Error of Measurement for that administration is calculated.
d) The proposed cutscore is established as the Angoff score plus one Standard Error of Measurement.
Further information about the Angoff method follows:
A number of methods of setting standards for a multiple-choice examination exist. The Angoff method was chosen for this examination. This method involves decisions about INDIVIDUAL examination questions. Judges make a judgement of the probability that a borderline test-taker would answer the question correctly. The easier the question, the higher this number will be. The harder the question, the lower this number will be. A number of judges participate in this process. The judges’ scores are then averaged for each question to come up with a judgement of the probability that a borderline candidate will answer each question correctly. These probabilities are added together to arrive at a passing score (cut score) for the test.Since the Angoff method involves decisions about individual examination questions, the cut score will vary, based on the particular questions used in a particular examination.More information about the Angoff method may be found in:
Livingston, S.A. & Zieky M.J. (1982). Passing Scores: A Manual for Setting Standards of Performance on Educational and Occupational Tests, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ |
The following information may be of assistance:
Notes to Help Interpret Standardized ScoresThe total exam score is a three-digit number – for example, 385, 465, 545. This number is not equal to the number of items you answered correctly on the examination. The number of items you answered correctly has been converted statistically to a standard score with mean of 500 and a standard deviation of 100. Standard scores are used because they provide easier and more meaningful comparisons with other test scores than are provided by simply comparing the number of items a candidate answers correctly. At a glance, standard scores allow you to determine whether you have done better, as well as, or worse than, your peers. When you receive your examination result, you will not be able to tell from your score how many test items you answered correctly since your score will be expressed in standard-score units. You will know that if your score is higher than 500, your performance was better than the average and if your score is below 500, your performance was below the average. |
Results of the JEE
The College provides JEE scores to candidates in writing within six weeks of the administration of the examination. College staff are not permitted to provide JEE scores to candidates over the telephone, fax, or via e-mail. The JEE score will be presented as a standardized score. To ensure scoring accuracy, all candidate answer sheets are manually checked and verified by the College.
Candidate feedback
Candidates will be invited to complete an anonymous survey which is distributed by e-mail following the JEE examination. Survey responses are reviewed by the Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination Committee.
Candidates may also submit questions or comments about the JEE in writing to the College at
Questions regarding the scoring and content of the examination, or comments relating to the administration of the examination are normally forwarded to the Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination Committee.
The Oral Examination, administered twice a year, usually in June and December, is the last step in becoming registered to practise autonomously. To be invited to attend this examination, a candidate must have passed the EPPP and JEE and fulfilled all other requirements, including the period of authorized supervised practice. In addition, the supervised member’s Primary and Alternate Supervisors must indicate the candidate’s readiness for autonomous practice in all rating categories on the final Work Appraisal Form.
Candidates are not permitted to use reference materials during the Oral Examination.
Purpose and content
The purpose of the Oral Examination is to ensure that candidates are ready for the autonomous practice of psychology, including formulating and communicating diagnoses, in the declared areas of competence as stated in their signed Declaration of Competence form approved by the College prior to the start of the Oral Examination session. Changes to this Declaration will not be permitted during the course of the Oral Examination.
Candidates may expect the examining team to explore some of the following: the candidate’s area of intended practice; the preparation the candidate has made; readiness for professional work, including the ability to formulate and communicate a diagnosis*; grasp of ethical and jurisprudence issues, the standards of the profession in Ontario, and ability to apply this knowledge in professional practice; appreciation of the societal, statutory, and legal context of psychological practice in the province; and other relevant issues related to the candidate’s intended practice in psychology.
In the part of the Oral Examination in which the knowledge and skills for formulating and communicating a diagnosis are evaluated, the examiners will present one or more diagnostic scenarios for the candidate to consider.
*Candidates whose sole area of practice is industrial/organizational psychology are not expected to formulate and communicate a diagnosis.
The Core Competencies Required for the Professional Practice of Psychology are found in Appendix D .
Language of the examination
The Registration Regulation, Section 3. 2., states that, “The applicant must be able with reasonable fluency to speak and write either English or French.”
Like the other examinations, the Oral Examination can be conducted in French. A candidate requiring a French language examination must notify the College well in advance to request that their Oral Examination be conducted in French.
Examination accommodations
The College ensures that all examination locations are fully accessible. Candidates who require examination accommodations arising from documented disabilities or impairments must complete the College’s Examination Accommodation Form and provide the College with the required supporting documentation. The form may be completed at the time of initial application to the College, or later if necessary. In order to allow the College sufficient time to approve and arrange the specified accommodation, applicants are required to submit the form and supporting documentation at least 60 calendar days prior to the examination date.
The College’s Examination Accommodation Policy is found in Appendix G of this document. The Examination Accommodation Form is available on the College’s website as part of the Application for Supervised Practice.
Questions for the College regarding examination accommodations should be directed to
Fee for Oral Examination
The fee, in all cases, is payable to the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario prior to the examination. Please refer to Appendix A, Fees in the Registration Process, for the current fee.
The examining team
A candidate’s examining team will be made up of three members of the College. In addition, a Public Member of the Council of the College may be present as an observer at any of the examinations. A brief biography of all of the examiners is provided to the candidate ahead of time. A period of one hour will be set aside for each Oral Examination.
Sample Oral Examination rating forms are provided to candidates prior to the Oral Examination and may also be found on the College’s website at in the Applicants section.
Number of attempts at the Oral Examination
In order to fulfill its mandate of public protection, the College does not permit candidates who have failed to demonstrate readiness for autonomous practice through passing an Oral Examination to continue in the registration process indefinitely. For this reason, candidates are permitted to attempt the Oral Examination a maximum of 3 times.
Outcomes of the Oral Examination
If the examining team recommends a pass in all practice areas and client groups indicated on the Declaration of Competence (Box F. of the initial rating sheet), this recommendation will be submitted to the Registrar of the College who will subsequently write to the candidate regarding the issuance of a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice.
Continued Examination
Alternatively, an examining team may recommend a continued examination (Box G. of the initial rating sheet). In this case, the examination will be continued in keeping with the following guidelines:
- The Director of Registration will inform the candidate of the time at which the examination will be continued. If possible the examination will be scheduled for the same day or if not possible, on one of the following days during the session. All continued examinations must be finished within the three days of the examining session.
- Prior to the continuation of the examination, the Director of Registration will inform the candidate of the composition of the examining team that will continue the examination. This team, though independent from the original examiners, will have access to the candidate’s complete registration file as well as the ratings and recommendations of the previous examiners. The continued examination team is comprised of three examiners in addition to the chair who will be a current or former member of the Registration Committee. A Public Member of the College’s Council may also be present as an observer.
Continued Examination Outcome
At the conclusion of the continued examination, the examining team will recommend one of the following:
I. Pass in all practice areas and client groups indicated on the Declaration of Competence (Box F. of the continued exam rating sheet). This recommendation will be submitted to the Registrar of the College who will subsequently write to the candidate regarding the issuance of a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice.
II. Pass in some but not all practice areas and client groups indicated on the Declaration of Competence (Box G. of the continued exam rating sheet).The Registrar will write to the candidate advising of the recommendation, the reasons for the recommendation, and of the referral of the recommendation and reasons to the Registration Committee for a decision concerning the recommendation. The candidate will be informed of the date at which the Registration Committee will review the matter and will be invited to make a written submission respecting the recommendation.
If the Registration Committee directs the Registrar to issue the candidate a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice in some but not all practice areas and client groups indicated on the Declaration of Competence, the candidate may seek a review of this decision by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB) under Section 21(1) of the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) Code.
III. Pass with a term or a condition (Box H. of the continued exam rating sheet): This recommendation will be submitted to the Registrar of the College. The Registrar will write to the candidate advising of the recommendation, the reasons for the recommendation, and of the referral of the recommendation and reasons to the Registration Committee for a decision concerning the term or condition. The candidate will be informed of the right, under Section 18.(1) of the RHPA Code, to make a written submission to the Registration Committee respecting the recommended term or condition, and of the date at which the Registration Committee will review the matter. The Registrar will seek the candidate’s consent to the term or condition, and advise the candidate of the right of appeal should the candidate not wish to consent.
If the Registration Committee directs the Registrar to issue the candidate a certificate with a term or condition, the candidate may seek a review of this decision by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB) under Section 21.(1) of the RHPA Code.
IV. Fail (Box I. of the continued exam rating sheet): This recommendation will be submitted to the Registrar. The Registrar will write to the candidate advising of the recommendation and the reasons for it, and of its referral to the Registration Committee. The candidate will be informed of the date at which the Registration Committee will review the matter and the candidate will be invited to make a written submission respecting the recommendation. The Registration Committee will make one of the following decisions:
- permit the candidate to attend a subsequent oral examination and require the candidate to continue to practise under supervision in the intervening period; or
- permit the candidate to attend a subsequent oral examination, prescribe further training and experience, and require the candidate to continue to practise under supervision in the intervening period; or
- direct the Registrar to refuse registration. In this case, the candidate may seek a review of this decision by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB). under Section 21.(1) of the RHPA Code.
Candidate feedback
Candidates will be invited to complete an anonymous survey which is distributed by e-mail following
the Oral Examination. Survey responses are reviewed by the Registration Committee.
Candidates may also submit questions or comments about the Oral Examination in writing to the College at Questions or comments may be referred to the Registration Committee.