The College remains committed to the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and to incorporating EDI into all aspects of the College’s work and its regulatory processes and encouraging the same within the larger profession. The College has created an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion page on which information and resources will be continually updated.
The EDI Working Group has continued to direct its efforts to the goals it established and remains focused on implementing diversity practices across the various College Committees and imbedding EDI into College processes. The main focus of the EDI Working Group over the past period was on the completion plan for the College’s Equity Impact Assessment. This is a Ministry of Health expectation within the College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF). More specifically, we have been assessing the areas where we have been fairly successful with our EDI initiatives and areas where more work needs to be done. Several meetings were spent focusing on the document and reviewing the specific areas where we as a College are doing well and where we need to put in more work into our EDI initiatives. We will continue to keep you updated on these events.
The next meeting of the EDI Working Group is scheduled for the beginning of May 2024.