Second Quarter, September 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024
ICRC Meetings
The ICRC met three time, to consider a total of 22 cases. In addition, the ICRC held 16 teleconferences to consider 20 cases.
New Complaints and Reports
In the 2nd Quarter, the College received 35 new complaints related to the psychology profession and three complaints related to the ABA profession.
The nature of service for the ABA profession was one complaint each in the areas of Educational/Vocational Assessment, Intervention, and Supervision.
The nature of service in relation to psychology matters are:

Timeline Snapshot
There are currently 186 open ABA and psychology complaints being actively investigated.

ICRC Dispositions
The ICRC did not dispose of any ABA cases in this quarter. The ICRC disposed of 37 psychology cases during the 2nd Quarter, as illustrated below. The ICRC took some action, which can range from providing advice to a referral to the Discipline Committee, in 14, or 38%, of these cases:

*F&V: Frivolous, vexatious, made in bad faith, moot or otherwise an abuse of process, pursuant to s.26(4) of the Health Professions Procedural Code.
The dispositions of the 37 psychology cases, as they relate to nature of service, are as follows:

Dispositions of Allegations
The 37 cases disposed of included the consideration of 145 allegations. The ICRC took some action with respect to 57, or 39%, of these allegations.

Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB)
In the 2nd Quarter, four HPARB reviews of ICRC decisions were requested. The College received three HPARB decisions. In all three matters, the Board dismissed the review requests as frivolous, vexatious, made in bad faith, moot, or an abuse of process, and decided not to proceed.