
Launch of the Jurisprudence and Ethics Course and Assessment in Applied Behaviour Analysis (JECAABA)

The College of Psychologists of Ontario, soon to be renamed the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario, has reached another milestone in the lead up to regulation of Behaviour Analysts.  The Jurisprudence and Ethics Course and Assessment in Applied Behaviour Analysis (JECAABA), a requirement for registration as a Behaviour Analyst, was successfully launched on Wednesday May 29th, 2024.

Applicants who were deemed eligible for registration as a Behaviour Analyst prior to the launch of the JECAABA have been provided instructions for accessing the JECAABA. New applicants will receive instructions at the time that their application is approved.

Transitional Route 1 applicants must complete the JECAABA before July 1, 2024, to receive a certificate of registration for a Behaviour Analyst authorizing autonomous practice at proclamation of the incoming Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021 on July 1, 2024.

Other information for potential members and the public about the upcoming regulation of the profession, including the Registration Guidelines for each registration route, can be found in the ABA Portal on the College’s website. The College website is the only source that should be relied on for information regarding the registration process, and use of any other source of information is at the applicant’s sole risk.

Applicants are reminded that they can check the status of their application and supporting documents in the application portal:

The College of Psychologists of Ontario looks forward to welcoming Behaviour Analysts to its membership on July 1, 2024.

Further enquiries should be directed to