
Preparing for Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Regulation Update

The College continues its work to welcome Behaviour Analysts into what will be the new College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario. This work must be completed by July 1, 2024, when the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021 is proclaimed into law.

Pre-registration is expected to open in the winter 2023. The College has designed a Self-Screening Tool for practitioners of behaviour analysis, therapy, or intervention to assist them in determining whether they will need to apply to the College once preregistration opens. The College has also updated the ABA Flowcharts which illustrate the registration pathways for Transitional Route and Entry Level Route applicants.

The College has now struck an ABA sub-working group tasked with developing the College’s Jurisprudence and Ethics Course and Assessment in Applied Behaviour Analysis (JECAABA). The JECAABA, along with the Ontario Examination for Professional Practice in Applied Behaviour Analysis (OEPPABA), will be administered at least once prior to proclamation on July 1, 2024. Additional details about the JECAABA and OEPPABA, including how to register, will be provided closer to the date of administration. 

The College is also excited to announce the release of its first webinar for Applied Behaviour Analysis. In this webinar, the College’s Registrar and Executive Director, Dr. Tony DeBono, introduces the background to ABA regulation in Ontario, addresses commonly asked questions and concerns regarding ABA regulation, and guides viewers through the next steps in the registration process.

The College welcomes feedback and questions from the public and behaviour analysts. You can contact the College at aba@cpbao.ca.