
Quality Assurance Update

Second Quarter September 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024


During the second quarter, panels of the Quality Assurance Committee continued to address registrant-specific matters related to participation in the mandatory Quality Assurance Program. In addition, the full Committee met on two occasions to continue its work in revising the content and structure of the Quality Assurance Program to:

  • Combine the Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development mechanisms into a single tool to allow for ongoing progress monitoring and reflection;
  • Simplify the process for registrant review of relevant legislative, regulatory and ethical standards; and,
  • Improve the process by which registrants are selected to participate in the more intensive Peer Assisted Review program by focusing support on those most in need of assistance or exhibiting difficulty maintaining their professional knowledge, skill and judgment.

The Committee has begun consulting with professionals in various areas of both Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis to better understand the revisions needed to implement these program changes in a manner that is effective for all registrants.



Panels of the Committee conducted 13 reviews concerning registrant compliance with the deadline to complete the 2024 Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan (SAG).

In 10 cases, the Panels did not identify any concerns with the registrants’ fulfillment of the self-assessment requirements and decided to take no further action. The registrants were reminded of their obligation to submit a SAG Declaration of Completion prior to the College deadline, as failing to make a Declaration may result in fees and other compliance processes.

In two reviews conducted, the Panels were unable to verify registrant completion of the SAG requirements. One registrant was referred for participation in a Peer Assisted Review, as required under the General Regulation, and one was referred to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee for investigation in the public interest.

In one case, the registrant resigned from the College during the Panel’s review process.

Continuing Professional Development

Panels of the Committee also conducted Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program audits, to verify registrant completion of the requirements during the July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024 cycle. In 22 random selection cases, the Panels did not identify any concerns regarding the registrants’ fulfillment of the CPD program requirements. In all cases, the Panels decided to take no further action, but shared the following feedback:

  • Review the SMART Framework when setting Professional Development Plan objectives within the Self-Assessment Guide to ensure goals are specific and facilitate progress monitoring.
  • Include all supporting documentation within audit submissions to assist the Committee in verifying CPD hours claimed towards the completion of the program requirements.
  • Tracking sheet entries should be specific to demonstrate fulfillment of all requirements (e.g., single entry per activity instead of grouping hours/credits, specific activity descriptions and reflection on professional knowledge, skill and judgment)

Additionally, 10 registrants were selected for auditing due to their failure to submit a mandatory CPD Declaration of Completion for the 2022-2024 cycle by the final deadline. In seven cases, the Panels did not identify any concerns related to the registrants’ fulfillment of the CPD program requirements. These registrants were reminded of their obligation to submit a CPD Declaration prior to the deadline, as failing to make a Declaration may result in fees and other compliance processes.

In two cases, the Panels were unable to verify registrant completion CPD program requirements. One registrant was referred to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee for investigation in the public interest, and one was referred for participation another Quality Assurance assessment to inform the Panel’s final decision.

In one case, the registrant resigned from the College during the Panel’s audit process.

Notably, several registrants requested assistance with the following question:
I am registered to practise Applied Behaviour Analysis and/or Psychology in multiple jurisdictions; do I still need to make CPD/SAG Declarations of Completion to the College?  

Participation in the College’s QA Program, which includes the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program, and the Self-Assessment Guide (SAG), is mandatory and independent of any programming required by other regulators or boards that one may be registered with.  

These registrants were advised that all individuals holding a Certificate of Registration authorizing Autonomous Practice must complete the requirements of the College’s QA Program and submit Declarations of Completion by the set deadlines, even when registered in another jurisdiction.  

Registrants were also reminded that if they are a member of another organization which also requires participation in continuing education and professional development, they may use relevant CPD hours completed for other programs towards their College requirements, so long as the activities are applicable under the CPD program requirements. However, registrants must ensure that if there are any gaps which exists between the requirements of the various programs they are participating in (e.g., minimum hours, content), that they address these gaps through additional CPD participation to fulfill all College requirements.

Peer Assisted Reviews

Panels of the Committee also considered two Peer Assisted Review reports during the second quarter. In one case, the Panel did not identify any concerns based upon the information provided, which demonstrated adherence to professional standards. The review process was concluded without further action. In the second case, the Panel requested additional information and provided a voluntary Undertaking and Agreement, to ensure adherence to legislative requirements regarding Quality Assurance material record keeping.

The Committee reminds all registrants that they must store their completed Quality Assurance materials, including CPD Tracking Sheets, supporting documentation for CPD activities, and completed Self-Assessment Guides, for a minimum period of five years. It is suggested that registrants store their records in their secure personal files (electronically or in hard copy) to prevent loss of access and ensure they can be maintained throughout their cycles.