
Update: Examination for Professional Practice in Applied Behaviour Analysis (OEPPABA)

The College has received inquiries regarding the delay of the Ontario Examination for Professional Practice in Applied Behaviour Analysis (OEPPABA). Applicants pursuing registration through Transitional Route 2 must pass this examination to obtain their certificate authorizing Autonomous Practice as a Behaviour Analyst. Those who will apply for and receive their certificate for Supervised Practice as a Behaviour Analyst will take this examination during their year of supervised practice.

The College is actively working to implement a solution for the examination to ensure it can be delivered at the earliest possible date. However, we are currently unable to provide a specific timeline for the examination. The College is committed to offering timely notice to eligible candidates in advance of the examination to assist with scheduling and conflict resolution.

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and patience during this process.

For any further questions or matters regarding the administration of the OEPPABA, please contact us at