The College is inviting comments on proposed amendments to the College By-laws.
(Interim Autonomous Practice Certificate for Manitoba Registrants via Winnipeg Health Authority)
At the meeting of the Council of the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts held on December 13, 2024,a motion was passed to circulate proposed amendments to By-law 18.4(f) which seeks to waive application fees and annual dues for those psychology professionals working on inter-professional teams of the Winnipeg Health Authority providing publicly-funded telepsychology services to a specific region of Northwestern Ontario (Interim Autonomous Practice certificate under the Interjurisdictional Telepsychology MOU).
According to the Health Professions Procedural Code under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, amendments to this By-law must be circulated to members 60 days before it is approved by Council [94(1)(s), 94(2)]. If you wish to comment on the following proposal, we would appreciate hearing from you by February 17, 2025.
Document: By-law with Tracked Changes
In order to assist you in reviewing the changes made, a copy of the College By-laws 18.4(f) with tracked changes is available. Please note that additions underlined in blue or deletions marked as strikeouts in red are the only amendments being considered for this consultation.
The College Council will be discussing these amendments at the March 2025 meeting. If you wish to provide any comments we would appreciate hearing from you by Monday, February 17, 2025. Please submit your feedback by completing this brief form:
For more information on this consultation, please visit our Public Consultations page.
Please submit your feedback by completing this brief form: