In order to be permitted to provide psychological services to any individual who is physically in Ontario, the practitioner must be registered with the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario, even when the service is delivered via telepsychology.
The College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario is a member of the Associations of Canadian Psychology Regulatory Organizations (ACPRO) and is a participant of ACPRO’s Cross-Jurisdictional Limited Telepsychology Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which is intended to reduce barriers to access to service and permit eligible members of Canadian Psychology Colleges and Boards to provide limited telepsychology services outside of one’s home jurisdiction in specific contexts.
A time limited and temporary certificate of registration is available to individuals who are fully registered/licensed to provide psychological services in another Canadian jurisdiction allowing them to engage in telepsychology (virtual practice) services in Ontario, under certain conditions, for a period of up to 12 months.
It’s important to note that telepsychology services that do not fall under one of the 7 approved contexts specified below, will require application for full registration and payment of applicable fees.
This application route is open to individuals who are fully registered/licensed to practice psychology in another Canadian jurisdiction.
In Ontario, the following 7 clinical contexts are permitted for issuance of a certificate of registration permitting limited telepsychology practice:
- Continuity of care for an existing client who has moved to Ontario;
- Continuity of care for an existing client who initially received service in person at an out-of-jurisdiction public setting (e.g., regional referral hospital) and is receiving follow-up services in Ontario;
- New or ongoing family services where some family members are located in the provider’s home jurisdiction and others are located in Ontario;
- Expert witness testimony in Ontario;
- College and university students receiving new and ongoing services from their educational institution that would have been available to them without cost, were they on campus;
- New or ongoing services to a College/Board registrant or to a psychology graduate student (for whom access to local services may be problematic given permeability of local professional boundaries);
- Practice carried in Ontario out as part of a research project approved by the Research Ethics Board of a University or other public agency, or in accordance with any governing legislation.
This registration is available through an expedited process at a reduced membership fee of $240.00, plus the $100 application fee.
Prior to completion of the online application, applicants are asked to email Ms. Lesia Mackanyn, our Director of Registration at registration@cpbao.ca to enquire about suitability.