

President’s Message

It’s October in Ontario and my mind turns to Thanksgiving.  Whether you formally celebrate this holiday or not, I believe that a thankful or grateful mindset is valuable.  The field of positive psychology has done much to confirm ways that an attitude of gratitude is associated with many desired outcomes, […]   More >>>


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Update

The College remains committed to reviewing its processes related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) with a view toward incorporating EDI into all aspects of College work and its regulatory processes. The EDI Working Group has continued to focus on the goals it established.  This has included initiating a review of […]   More >>>


Quality Assurance News

Working within the statutory requirements for all Ontario Health Regulatory Colleges, the College views it’s Quality Assurance Programs as a means of supporting members in maintaining their knowledge, skills and experience throughout their careers. The Programs are intended to be supportive rather than investigative.  Whenever participation in Quality Assurance leads […]   More >>>


Information From the Practice Advice Service

The Practice Advice Service provides information to College members and members of the public regarding relevant Legislation, Regulations, Standards of Professional Conduct, 2017, and other Guidelines. Answers are provided in response to specific inquiries and may not be applicable or generalize to all circumstances. Information is provided to support College […]   More >>>


Council Highlights – September 10, 2021

The College Council met virtually on September 10, 2021. Information provided to members of Council for their review in anticipation of their deliberations and decision-making was posted on the homepage of College website a week in advance of meeting. Following the meeting, this information was archived on the website in […]   More >>>


Discipline Committee

First Quarter, June 1, 2021 – August 31, 2021 Referrals to Discipline There were no referrals to the Discipline Committee in the first quarter. Hearings Hearings were held in the following matters in the first quarter: Dr. Martin Rovers: A referral was made to the Discipline Committee on June […]   More >>>


President’s Message

I heard a quote by Etienne de Grellet (1773-1855) voiced by a family member, a friend, a colleague and a client in the past month.  He wrote the now popular quote hundreds of years ago, yet its sentiment is valued to this day. « I shall pass this way but once; […]   More >>>


Quality Assurance News

The need for safe and competent psychological services has continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and the legislated requirements for Quality Assurance activities by the College remain as relevant as ever. Members, other than those with a Retired Certificate of Registration, must ensure that they are keeping up with developments in […]   More >>>