

President’s Message

I recall growing up hearing the phrase that a time period in your life may be one of either feast or famine.  A time when you may perceive you have more than you need, or not enough.  Some of you may feel like reading the College of Psychologists of Ontario (the College) news...   More >>>


Registrar’s Message

My first few months at the College have been a humbling experience, indeed. Psychology is a well-established profession in Ontario, and I feel a sense of pride in our legacy which has been driven by you, our registrants, and the incredible services that you provide to the public everyday.   More >>>


Consultation: Amendments to By-law 18: Fees

At its meeting on June 16, 2023, the Council of the College of Psychologists passed a motion to circulate proposed amendments to By-Law 18: Fees to the membership. According to the Health Professions Procedural Code under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, amendments to this By-law must be circulated to members 60 days before it is approved by Council   More >>>


Quality Assurance (QA) News

Working within the statutory requirements established for all Health Regulatory Colleges in Ontario; the College views its Quality Assurance Programs as a means of supporting members in maintaining their knowledge and skills throughout their careers.   More >>>


Call for Peer Assisted Review Assessors

To conduct Peer Assisted Reviews, the College requires the assistance of members with a desire to take an active role in public protection by assisting their peers. Those interested in becoming College Assessors are encouraged to contact the Quality Assurance Coordinator for additional information.   More >>>


Council Highlights

The College Council met virtually on June 16, 2023. Information provided to members of Council for their review in anticipation of their deliberations and decision-making is posted on the homepage of College website a week in advance of meetings.   More >>>


Council Meeting – May 9, 2023

A Special Meeting of the College Council will be held on Tueday, May 9, 2023 from 9:00AM – 10:00AM. The Agenda and Materials are available below. This meeting will be held virtually through YouTube. To watch please click here.   More >>>