Glossary of Terms


Advice is an outcome available to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) after considering a complaint or report. Advice is meant to be helpful information to assist the member in their future practice. Advice does not appear on the public register.

Authorized Area of Practice

The areas of practice of psychology in which the member is authorized to practice.

Authorized Client Population

The population group to which the member is authorized to provide psychological services.

Bail Conditions

An existing condition of release (“bail conditions”) with respect to a criminal charge. These include charges under the Criminal Code or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.


A Caution is an outcome available to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) after considering a complaint or report. A member receives a caution in person before a panel of the ICRC. The public register must contain a notation of every Caution a member receives.

A Caution does not affect a member’s ability to practice or registration status. Once the Caution is administered, the College considers the matter to be closed and, unless otherwise noted, the College has no further concerns with respect to the matter.

Certificate of Registration

A certificate of registration is issued by the College and provides authorization to practice either psychology or applied behaviour analysis in Ontario. There are various categories, or classes, of registration, which describes the type of practice permitted. Information about a member’s certificate of registration is available on the public register Summary tab, under Registration Information.

Coaching Program

A one-on-one educational or remedial program specified by the ICRC or Discipline Committees to address concerns. A coaching program can be ordered or agreed to by the member.

Criminal Charges

An existing charge for an offence under the Criminal Code or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

Current Restrictions

Any restriction on the member’s certification of registration. A restriction can be ordered or agreed to by the member.

Current Referrals to Discipline

The ICRC has referred allegations of professional misconduct and/or incompetence to the Discipline Committee. No finding of misconduct or incompetence has been made. At a hearing, the Discipline Committee will assess the allegations. If the Discipline Committee makes a finding, it will also determine the appropriate penalty.

Current Restriction

Terms, conditions and limitations on a member’s certificate of registration. These may be imposed by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports, Discipline or Fitness to Practice Committees. They may also be agreed to by the member through an Undertaking with the College.

Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee conducts hearings into allegations of misconduct and/or incompetence. The Discipline Committee also hears applications for the reinstatement of certificates of registration revoked following Discipline proceedings.

Discipline Finding in Other Jurisdictions

Information about a finding of professional misconduct or incompetence made by another regulatory or licensing authority.


Determinations of fact or of professional misconduct made by the Discipline Committee, after a hearing.

Fitness to Practice Committee

The Fitness to Practice Committee conducts hearings to determine whether a member is incapacitated. The Committee also hears applications for reinstatement of certificates of registration revoked following incapacity proceedings.

Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB)

A review and appeal board established under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA). The Board reviews decisions of the College’s Registration and Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committees. 

Health Inquiry

An investigation into the mental or physical health of a member, as it relates to the member’s ability to practice psychology safely.


That the member has a physical or mental condition or disorder that makes it desirable, in the interest of public protection, that the member’s certificate of registration to subject to terms, conditions or limitations, or that the member no longer be allowed to practice.


As defined by the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, a member will be found to be incompetent if they display “a lack of knowledge, skill or judgment of a nature or to an extent that demonstrates that the member is unfit to continue to practise or that the member’s practice should be restricted.”

Inquiries, Complaints, and Reports Committee (ICRC)

The Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) investigates concerns about the conduct and competence of members. It is also responsible for health and capacity inquiries. The ICRC is a screening committee, and does not make findings of fact or credibility. The ICRC may refer allegations to the Discipline or Fitness to Practice Committees for a full hearing. The ICRC may also ask or order a member to take steps to improve their conduct or practice.

Interim Order

An order by the ICRC directing the Registrar to suspend, or to impose terms, conditions or limitations, on a member’s certificate of registration. The ICRC may make an interim order if it believes that the member’s conduct exposes, or is likely to expose, the member’s clients to harm or injury.

Notice of Hearing

A document, signed by the Registrar, setting out the particulars of allegations that have been referred to the Discipline Committee.


A penalty ordered the Discipline Committee, after a Discipline hearing.

PROBE Course

An Ethics and Boundaries course conducted over a weekend and administered by the Center for Personalized Education for Professionals (CPEP).

Professional Misconduct

Breaches of the Professional Misconduct Regulations and/or the College’s Standards of Professional Conduct.


A program of education or practice improvement to address risks the member’s conduct or practice might pose to the public. Remediation may be proposed or ordered by the ICRC or the Discipline Committees.


The member has given up their membership with College. They can no longer practise psychology in Ontario. They cannot use the titles “psychologist” or “psychological associate” in Ontario.

Resigned After Referral to Discipline

The member gave up their membership with the College after the ICRC referred allegations of their professional misconduct or incompetence to the Discipline Committee. They can no longer practise psychology in Ontario. They cannot use the titles “psychologist” or “psychological associate” in Ontario.


The member no longer practices but wishes to maintain membership with the College. The member can no longer practise psychology in Ontario. They may continue to use their title modified by “Retired.”


A reprimand is a penalty open to the Discipline Committee after a finding of professional misconduct in a Discipline hearing. A reprimand is a message given to the member in person by the Discipline Committee and is open to the public. Reprimands are published in full on the public register.


The member’s certificate of registration was revoked by order of the College’s Discipline or Fitness to Practise Committees. They can no longer practise psychology in Ontario. They cannot use the titles “psychologist” or “psychological associate” in Ontario.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse has a specific definition under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991. It includes any sexual acts between a member and a client, regardless of whether those acts are consensual. It also includes remarks of a sexual nature.

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program (SCERP)

A SCERP is an outcome available to the ICRC after considering a complaint or report. It is an education or remedial program the ICRC orders the member to complete to address conduct or practice concerns. The public register must contain a notation of every SCERP ordered by a panel of the ICRC. Once the SCERP is completed, the fact of the completion is added to the notation on the public register.        

A SCERP is not a finding of professional misconduct or incompetence. A SCERP does not affect a member’s ability to practice or their registration status. Once a SCERP is completed, unless otherwise noted, the matter leading to the SCERP is considered closed. 


The member’s certificate of registration is suspended by order of the Discipline Committee, Fitness to Practise Committee or ICRC. They cannot practise psychology in Ontario. They cannot use the titles “psychologist” or “psychological associate” in Ontario.

Suspended for Non-payment of Fees

The Registrar has suspended the member’s certificate of registration because the member did not pay their College fees. They cannot practise psychology in Ontario. They cannot use the titles “psychologist” or “psychological associate” in Ontario.

Terms, Conditions and Limitations (TCLs)

A restriction on a member’s certificate of registration. Every certificate of registration carries a standard TCL. This TCL states that the member may practise the profession only in the areas authorized by the College.

Additional TCLs may be imposed by the Discipline, Fitness to Practice, Registration or Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committees. TCLs may also be agreed to by the member through an Undertaking to the College.


An undertaking is a binding and enforceable agreement made by a member with the College that sets out one or more obligations or restrictions on the member. A member may enter into an undertaking with the ICRC or Registration Committee. Entering into an undertaking is not an admission of misconduct or incompetence. The public register must contain a notation and summary of any undertaking, while that undertaking is in effect. Once the undertaking is completed, the notation is removed from the public register.