Will I Need to Apply to Register with the College as a Behaviour Analyst?  

The application portal for Behaviour Analysts applying using transitional route provisions is now open! Visit https://applications.cpbao.ca/ to apply for Registration as a Behaviour Analyst Authorizing Autonomous Practice through Transitional Route 1 or Transitional Route 2. Psychologists and Psychological Associates who are members of the College will access the application portal via their existing member account.

Applicants can visit the How to Apply: ABA page of the College’s website for further information about becoming registered as a Behaviour Analyst in Ontario. Please refer to the Registration Guidelines for Transitional Route 1, Transitional Route 2, and the Entry Level Route (Supervised Practice) for additional registration information.

The profession of applied behaviour analysis comprises (ABA) several tasks that must be practised competently and at a high level of responsibility to be considered safe and in the public interest.  Only those whose knowledge, skill and judgement deemed to be within the scope of practice of the profession and practised at a entry-level level of competence will become registered with the College and in doing so, may use the restricted title of “Behaviour Analyst”. 

Why is a Profession Regulated?

The duty of the College is to protect the public to ensure healthcare professionals provide safe, ethical, and competent services.  The public can have confidence in the services they receive from regulated professionals as practitioners are accountable to the College for their professional behaviour and activities.  Once ABA is regulated, Behaviour Analysts will be required to meet rigorous professional entry requirements, adhere to prescribed standards and ethical principles, and participate in quality assurance activities to continually update and improve their knowledge and skill.  In addition, complaints and discipline processes hold professionals accountable when a client, or other member of the public, believes that the standards may have been breached.

Does Everyone who Practises Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Have to Register with the College?

The activities included in the scope of practice of ABA are not controlled acts within the definition in the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, and, therefore are in the public domain.  Only those registered with the College however, will be allowed to use the title “Behaviour Analyst”.  As well, only members of the College will be permitted to refer to any earned certification they may have (i.e., BCBA or BCBA-D) that would lead the public to believe that they are a qualified Behaviour Analyst in Ontario.  Unauthorized use of the title and/or holding oneself out as a person who is qualified to practice as a Behaviour Analyst, would be violation of the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021 (the Act).

From July 1, 2024 onwards, only those who are registered with the College may use the title “Behaviour Analyst”. It is recognized that many professionals registered with other regulatory Colleges, including Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists, Educators, and others, may use behavioural techniques in their practice.  These are within the public domain and are not restricted acts.  To identify as a Behaviour Analyst or hold oneself out as qualified to practice behaviour analysis however, one must be registered with the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario. 

The College has developed flowcharts outlining the registration application process after a College consultation in Fall 2022.

Transitional Route 1

  • Active BCBA or BCBA-D in Good Standing

Transitional Route 2

  • Working competently within the Scope of Practice of ABA, and;
  • Current Practice (1500 hours within the past 4 years)

Entry Level Route

  • i. Post-graduate degree from a Canadian university and successful completion of recognized coursework in behaviour analysis or;
  • ii. Post-graduate degree from an accredited program in behaviour analysis or;
  • iii. Equivalent post-graduate degree together with recognized coursework in behaviour analysis or;
  • iv. Education and training in ABA considered to be substantially similar to i.

Self-Screening Tool (for Transitional Route 2 applicants only)

This Self-Screening Tool was designed to assist practitioners in the field of behaviour analysis, therapy, or intervention to determine if they will need to apply for registration with the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario (the College). Registration with the College protects clients, their families, and the public of Ontario by ensuring that practitioners are competent to provide safe, effective care and are accountable to the College. 

Important:  This tool is intended to aid applicants in deciding whether they should apply to the College under Transitional Route 2. It is not intended to provide advice, an opinion or evidence of whether you meet the registration requirements

Please review all of the following questions before deciding on what course of action to take. 

Prior to July 1, 2024, did your work or practice fall within the scope of practice of the profession of Applied Behaviour Analysis with independent clinical decision-making responsibility? 

Scope of Practice of the Profession (defined in the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021):  The practice of applied behaviour analysis is the (i) assessment of covert and overt behaviour and its functions through direct observation and measurement, and (ii)  the design, implementation, delivery, and evaluation of interventions derived from the principles of behaviour in order to produce meaningful improvements.

If you answered YES to this question, and/or you identify yourself as a Behaviour Analyst, then proceed to the Checklist.  If you answered NO, and you do not identify yourself as a Behaviour Analyst, registration with the College will not be necessary.  

Checklist – The Practice of Applied Behaviour Analysis

The College has developed the following Checklist to determine if your background, duties or the tasks you perform in your practice are those of a Behaviour Analyst. 

Question 1: Does your academic background, and/or knowledge gained from clinical experience in the field include the following principles?

  • Do you have an understanding of the Concepts and Principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis to produce meaningful improvements?
  • Have you completed coursework in Applied Behaviour Analysis at the post-graduate level and/or have you completed a Verified Course Sequence (VCS) in Applied Behaviour Analysis? 
  • Can you demonstrate competency in, and knowledge of, Canadian and Ontario jurisprudence and ethics related to the practice of Applied Behaviour Analysis?

If you answered YES to two or more of these questions, then you may have the academic and/or experiential background needed to apply for registration with the College and should proceed to Questions 2 and 3.  If you answered NO, you may want to consult with academic institutions that offer post-graduate education in Applied Behaviour Analysis to discover how you might obtain the necessary credentials.  

Question 2: Prior to July 1, 2024, did your practice include these assessments and intervention processes where you are responsible for clinical decision-making?


  • Assesses behaviour and its functions using formal or informal observations and measurement and interpretation of results (e.g., stimulus preference assessment, functional behaviour assessment, experimental functional analysis, staff performance assessment).
  • Determines client goals and selects appropriate interventions based on assessment results, supporting environments, risks, constraints, social validity, clinical experience, and supported by currently accepted scientific evidence.
  • Considers other interventions and professional involvement and potential effects on recommendations.
  • Collaborates with colleagues in the best interests of the client and stakeholders.
  • Discusses assessment results, goals, service options and progress with clients/mediators/caregivers.
  • Selects appropriate interventions based on assessment results, supporting environments, risks, constraints, social validity, clinical experience, and supported by currently accepted scientific evidence.


  • Designs, implements, and systematically monitors the effectiveness and acceptability of skill-acquisition and/or behaviour reduction programs.
  • Delivers ABA interventions directly to individuals who present with a range of skills, levels of functioning, and ages.
  • Conducts mediator (e.g., caregivers, direct support professionals) training using ABA procedures.
  • Plans for and identifies unwanted effects of the recommended interventions.
  • Implements a full range of scientifically validated, behaviour analytic procedures (i.e., reinforcement, extinction, incidental teaching, and use of naturalistic teaching methods). 
  • Utilizes ABA procedures through direct, caregiver mediated and/or group intervention formats.
  • Trains staff and/or caregivers as they deliver behavioural services.
  • Regularly reviews the applicable literature on scientifically validated procedures.
  • Designs and implements procedures targeting generalization of behaviour change.
  • Works collaboratively with professionals from other disciplines in the best interests of the client and relevant stakeholders.
  • Designs appropriate data collection and analysis forms/procedures to make data-based decisions to help monitor or modify intervention procedures.

If most or all of the activities listed in Question 2 describe your practice AND you held the responsibility for making clinical decisions for your clients and for the performance of the duties related to Applied Behaviour Analysis services provided to them, then you are encouraged to apply for registration with the College as a Behaviour Analyst. 

Question 3: If your position included the supervision of others, did you perform the following tasks where you were responsible for clinical decision-making?

  • Delegated to supervisees only those responsibilities that such persons can reasonably be expected to perform competently, ethically, and safely.  A supervisor cannot delegate any task that they themselves are not competent to perform.
  • Assigned team members to implement behaviour plans and/or trained caregivers to implement behaviour plans.
  • Observed interventions and assessments carried out by supervisees and/or mediators and monitored intervention fidelity.
  • Had sufficient direct contact with the client and/or their caregivers to ensure adequate service delivery.
  • Confirmed that supervisees maintain competence to perform the tasks assigned to them, considering numerous factors, including skills, education, and experience.
  • Demonstrated an understanding of the limits of their competency and the importance of referring clients to other professionals when necessary.
  • Provided ongoing direction and guidance to staff to ensure services were being delivered correctly and effectively.
  • Reviewed data and documentation produced by supervisees (behaviour plans, assessment outcomes, client progress.
  • Maintained detailed notes of progress, key decisions, and next steps.
  • For consultation services, provided clinical feedback for clinicians/Behaviour Analysts who carried their own caseload/supported their own clients.

If most or all of the activities listed in Question 3 describe your practice, then you are encouraged to apply for registration with the College as a Behaviour Analyst. 

Checklist Key

If you answered NO to Question 1, you may want to consult with academic institutions that offer post-graduate education in Applied Behaviour Analysis to discover how you might obtain the necessary credentials. 

You are encouraged to apply for registration with the College as a Behaviour Analyst if you said YES to

  • Question 1 and 2,
  • Questions 1, 2 and 3, or
  • Questions 1 and 3

You MUST register with the College if you identify in your practice, or hold yourself out, as a qualified Behaviour Analyst, including using earned certification initials such as BCBA or BCBA-D, and you wish to continue to use the title “Behaviour Analyst”.