Strategic Direction 2023-2028

Mission Statement

[Why we exist]

To protect the public through the responsible regulation of psychological and behavioural care.

Vision Statement

[What we aspire to be]  

Excellence in self-regulation and quality psychological and behavioural care for the people of Ontario.


[What we uphold in all our activities]

Beneficence: The College functions in service of the public good.

Dignity: The College treats all persons and peoples with dignity.

Fairness: The College approaches decisions in a just, reasonable and impartial manner.

Accountability: The College acts as a self-sustaining, responsible steward of resources grounded in the fiduciary duty to the public.

Integrity: The College acts honestly, ethically, and responsibly.


Strategy 2023-2028 is an ecological model that will focus on five interrelated priorities. At the core of the strategy is excellence in care, ensuring that the public receives ethical, safe, and high-quality services. Quality care is delivered through our registrants/members who have expertise to impart upon their peers and who participate on College Council, Committees, and Workgroups. The College will need to continue to modernize its regulation practices to best meet the needs of the public, now, and into the future (including “Right-Touch Regulation”). Encapsulating the overall strategy is a commitment to continuous quality improvement of College processes with a focus on maximizing value and minimizing waste.

This work will be informed by principles that will guide the College in all of its activities:

  • Cultivate a College culture of humility grounded in a growth mindset.
  • Apply innovative and proportionate approaches to regulation.
  • Engage members to impart expertise to each other and the communities they serve.
  • Remain agile in responding to advancements in society, technology, and the profession to meet the needs of Ontarians.

Strategy 2023-2028, an Ecological Model of Regulation