Supervised Practice: Educated Outside Canada/USA

Evaluating Your Degree

If your degrees are from a university outside Canada or the United States, you must have them evaluated to determine if they are comparable in academic level to degrees from a Canadian university. 

These evaluations may be arranged through either:

Comparative Education Service (CES)
Tel.: (416) 978-0393   Fax: (416) 978-2185

By Mail:
Comparative Education Service
University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

158 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2V8

World Education Services (WES)
2 Carlton Street, Suite 1400
Toronto, Ontario, M5B 1J3

Telephone: (416) 972-0070

The academic credential assessment report from CES or WES must confirm that the applicant’s academic credentials are comparable in level to a master’s or a doctoral degree granted by a Canadian university. While the report from CES or WES will indicate to the College whether the applicant’s academic credentials are comparable in level to a master’s or a doctoral degree  granted  by  a  Canadian  university,  the  College  reserves  the  right  to  make  a  final determination of the content of the degree(s), and will evaluate, in accordance with the degree requirements outlined in the Registration  Guidelines  to  determine,  whether  the  applicant  has  an  acceptable  master’s or doctoral degree in psychology. 

After Your Degree Has Been Evaluated

There are two Certificates of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice available in Ontario.

  1. For a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice as a Psychologist, you require a doctoral degree in psychology; and
  2. For a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice as a Psychological Associate, you require a master’s degree in psychology.

Applicants must apply for a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Supervised Practice before they can proceed to meet the remaining requirements for the Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice.

The Certificate of Registration Authorizing Supervised Practice is intended for persons who have not previously been registered as a Psychologist or Psychological Associate in any jurisdiction, or who are registered in a jurisdiction where the requirements are not equivalent to Ontario’s requirements.

The complete requirements for registration as either a Psychologist or Psychological Associate are set out in the Registration Regulation.

Supervised Practice: Psychologist

Supervised Practice: Psychological Associate

New Standards of Professional Conduct in Force July 2024