
Call for Volunteer Assessors to Participate in College Peer Assisted Reviews

Under the Health Professions Procedural Code, being Schedule 2 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, all Health Regulatory Colleges in Ontario are required to ensure that their members undergo peer and practice assessments of their professional knowledge, skill, and judgment. At the College of Psychologists, such an assessment takes the form of a Peer Assisted Review (PAR).  Each PAR is conducted by an Assessor who is appointed by the Quality Assurance Committee as well as a Reviewer who is nominated by the member participating in the Review. 

The PAR is intended to be a collaborative and collegial means to practice enhancement, as opposed to an investigative tool. To this end, Assessors are trained by the College to facilitate a supportive process in which members may comfortably explore areas for professional growth.

Each PAR consists of a site visit, interview, and file review.  Upon completion of the Review, the Assessor  provides a PAR Report to the Quality Assurance Committee; with a copy provided directly to the member who has been reviewed.

In conducting the PAR, each Assessor and Reviewer must undertake and agree to:

  1. Participate in the College’s Peer Assisted Review Assessor and Reviewer training before conducting the Review, if they had not already done so within one year prior to the date of the Review;
  2. Maintain confidentiality, as required by s.36 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 18; and,
  3. Familiarize themselves with the Legislation, Regulations, and Standards of Professional Conduct, 2017 relevant to the practice they will be reviewing.

They must also attest that:

  1. They have held a Certificate of Registration for Autonomous Practice with the College of Psychologists of Ontario for at least five years;
  2. They are currently in active practice as a psychologist or psychological associate;
  3. They are free of any conflict of interest or bias, or any appearance of either, with respect to the Review; and,
  4. Neither they nor the individual they will be reviewing is in a position of power with respect to the other.

It is also expected that Assessors and Reviewers will have a:

  • Desire to assist peers to improve and enhance their practices;
  • Strong sense of professional responsibility and commitment to peer support; and
  • Strong knowledge of the standards, legislation, policies, and guidelines relevant to the practice of Psychology.

Assessors receive an honorarium of $325.00 per review plus reimbursement for any out-of-pocket travel expenses.  Assessors may also claim up to 20 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credits) for conducting Peer Assisted Reviews during each two-year CPD Cycle.

Further information about Peer Assisted Reviews can be found here:


Those interested in further information about how to become an Assessor may contact Ms. Madeleine Lee, the College’s Quality Assurance Coordinator at mlee@cpo.on.ca.