The College Council met virtually on December 15, 2023. Information provided to members of Council for their review in preparation for their deliberations and decision-making was posted on the homepage of the College website a week in advance of the meeting. Following the meeting, this information was archived and is available on the website in the Council Meeting Materials Reference Library.
To prepare for proclamation of the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021, the College must amend its By-laws to now include the profession of applied behaviour analysis and the regulation of Behaviour Analysts. The Council approved circulation of the amended by-laws for consultation.
Also approved for circulation are the regulations to expand the emergency class of registration to include Behaviour Analysts.
ABA Updates
- The Council approved the following in prepration for ABA regulation:
the Ontario Examination for Professional Practice in Applied Behaviour Analysis (OEPPABA); - the Jurisprudence and Ethics Course and Assessment in Applied Behavour Analysis (JECAABA);
- Registration Guidelines for ABA;
- Two professional bodies were approved as certification boards: the Behaviour Analyst Certification Board (BACB) and the Association for Behaviour Analysis International (ABAI), and the Association of Professional Behaviour Analysts (APBA).
Committee Updates:
Council reviewed proposed amendments to Policy II-4(ii): Discipline Committee: Rules of Procedure.
Business issues
Policy Reviews:
Policy III F-4: Per Diems and Council and Committee Compensation.
Election to Council was set for March 31, 2024.
The next Council meeting will be held on March 21, 2024.