Behaviour Analyst Appendix E: Alternative Documentation Policy


  • Certificate of Registration for a Psychologist Authorizing Supervised Practice
  • Certificate of Registration for a Psychologist Authorizing Interim Autonomous Practice
  • Certificate of Registration for a Psychological Associate Authorizing Supervised Practice
  • Certificate of Registration for a Psychological Associate Authorizing Interim Autonomous Practice
  • Certificate of Registration for a Behaviour Analyst Authorizing Supervised Practice
  • Certificate of Registration for a Behaviour Analyst Authorizing Autonomous Practice

Type of requirement: Exemptible




  1. An applicant who is unable to obtain required original documents must advise the College in writing, identifying which documents they are unable to obtain, and detailing the reason for this. The reasons why original documentation may not be obtainable include, but are not limited to:
    1. The closure of the issuing educational institution or government authority;
    2. The loss or destruction of the documents by the issuing educational institution or government authority;
    3. The institution or government authority is unable to provide documentation because of war, natural disaster, or other crises.
    4. There is a risk of harm to the applicant and/or their family if the applicant attempts to obtain the original documents.
  2. The applicant’s information will be considered by the College Registrar, who will determine if alternative documentation will be accepted.
  3. The Registrar may request that the applicant provide additional information or evidence to support their request to provide alternative documentation.
  4. The Registrar will request alternative evidence to demonstrate that the applicant has met the registration requirements. Considering each application on a case-by-case basis, this evidence might include one or more of the following:
    1. Certified/notarized copy of documentation from the applicant; or
    2. Documentation received by the College directly from another source (university, licencing authority, testing authority, credential evaluation service).
  5. If the documents provided are in a language other than English or French, the applicant must arrange for their translation by an official translator. Applicants are responsible for any fees associated with the translation of these documents.
  6. In all cases, alternative documentation must allow for a meaningful assessment of the applicant’s information.
  7. There is a risk of harm to the applicant and/or their family if the applicant attempts to obtain the original documents.