Interim Autonomous Practice – Section F – Duration of the Certificate for Interim Autonomous Practice

Registration Guidelines

UPDATED: July 2024

As specified in Sections 11. and 22. of the Registration Regulation, a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Interim Autonomous Practice will expire twelve months after the Registrar issues it. The expiry date is indicated on the Certificate of Registration Authorizing Interim Autonomous Practice. 

Should the JEE and Registration Interview not be successfully completed within the twelve month period, prior to the expiry of the Certificate, the member must write to the Registrar and outline the arrangements made for their supervised practice of psychology in Ontario.  Any further practice of psychology in Ontario must take place only under supervision of a member(s) of the College.  It is the responsibility of the Interim Autonomous Practice member to maintain a current Certificate of Registration.  Otherwise, the person will cease to be a member of the College and must not hold themselves out as a person who is qualified to practise in Ontario as a Psychologist. (Section 8.(2), The Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021)