Return to an Autonomous Practice Certificate from an Inactive Certificate

Members who have held an inactive class of certificate for longer than six consecutive months and wish to apply for a return to an autonomous practice class of certificate must apply in writing to the Registrar not less than sixty days before the applicant intends to start practice*.

  1. Generally, members who have held an inactive class of certificate in Ontario for up to two years and who intend to return to practice with the same practice area(s), activities and client(s) as that for which they previously held an autonomous practice certificate will be granted an autonomous practice certificate upon payment of the pro-rated annual membership fee.

  2. The application of members who have held an inactive certificate in Ontario for longer than two years and who have been continuously registered and practising psychology in another jurisdiction for at least the year preceding this return will be reviewed by a panel of the Registration Committee, taking into consideration the following:
    • whether the practice in the other jurisdiction was similar to that now proposed in Ontario;
    • whether the proposed practice in Ontario is the same as that for which the member previously held an autonomous practice certificate in Ontario;
    • whether there is a history of discipline sanctions in any jurisdiction in which the member has been registered during the period of holding an inactive certificate in Ontario;
    • the length of time holding an inactive certificate and whether the member can demonstrate knowledge of changes in the legislation and standards governing the practice of psychology in Ontario during this time.

    Following this review, the member may be granted an autonomous practice certificate upon payment of the pro-rated annual membership fee, or the member may be required to complete one or more of the following:
    • a period of supervised practice;
    • additional training;
    • pass the Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination; and/or
    • attend an interview.

  1. The application of members who have held an inactive certificate in Ontario for longer than two years and who have not been registered and practising psychology for at least the preceding year in another jurisdiction will be reviewed by the panel, taking into consideration the following:
    • the length of time holding an inactive certificate;
    • whether the proposed practice is the same as that for which the member previously held an autonomous practice certificate in Ontario;
    • whether the member can demonstrate current competence (i.e. knowledge and skills) in the proposed practice;
    • whether the member can demonstrate knowledge of changes in the legislation and standards governing the practice of psychology in Ontario during the period of inactive practice.

    Following this review, the member may be granted an autonomous practice certificate upon payment of the pro-rated annual membership fee, or the member may be required to complete one or more of the following:
    • a period of supervised practice;
    • additional training ;
    • pass the Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination; and/or
    • attend an interview.

    *Registration Regulation: O.Reg. 193/23 s (5)(b)