Supervised Practice Behaviour Analyst: Section H – Authorized Supervised Practice

Candidates must complete a minimum of 1500 hours (and not less than 12 months) of authorized post-graduate supervised practice in applied behaviour analysis in Ontario under the supervision of a Behaviour Analyst member of the College. In order to undertake this supervised practice, approved applicants will be issued with a Certificate of Registration as a Behaviour Analyst Authorizing Supervised Practice. This Certificate is the normal prerequisite to eligibility for a Certificate of Registration for a Behaviour Analyst Authorizing Autonomous Practice.


Sections 27.(1). 1 and 31. (1) of the Registration Regulation specifies that:

  • An applicant must have an acceptable master’s degree or higher as described in Section G of these guidelines; and
  • The applicant must provide a signed undertaking from a member who agrees to supervise their practice for the required term, using the College’s Supervisor’s Agreement Form.

In addition, the applicant normally must be working in the profession at least 15 hours per week in Ontario. Please see subsequent section, “Amount of Authorized Supervised Practice Required” for details about the total amount of supervised practice needed.


Choosing a supervisor

The applicant must select a supervisor. As specified in Sections 31.(1) 2. and 31. (3) of the Registration Regulation, the supervisor must be a member (Behaviour Analyst) of the College authorized for autonomous practice. The supervisor’s Certificate of Registration must not be subject to any term, condition or limitation that was imposed as a result of a disciplinary proceeding or a fitness to practice proceeding and must not be the subject of any ongoing disciplinary or fitness to practise proceeding.

While it is optimal that the applicant and supervisor work in the same setting, a supervisor who works in a different setting is acceptable, provided that consistent mentoring and regular contact can be ensured, and that the supervisor has access to the client files.

A minimum of one supervisor is mandatory for the duration of the supervised practice period. In exceptional circumstances (e.g., the applicant works in multiple settings) a second supervisor may be named.

If an applicant’s administrative supervisor is unable to act as their supervisor, the applicant must arrange supervision for the purposes of registration. In this situation the applicant will have an administrative supervisor to report to, and one registration supervisor who is responsible for the applicant’s behaviour analytic activities.

Role of the supervised member

It is the responsibility of the supervised member to work with the supervisors to ensure that the supervision includes training and evaluation, at a minimum in the areas required for the professional practice of applied behaviour analysis. See Appendix H for further information.

Specific duties and responsibilities of the supervised member

To remain in good standing, a supervised member must:

  • Carry out all of the required supervised work experience in the province of Ontario;
  • Practise in accordance with all statutes, regulations, standards of professional conduct and guidelines adopted by the College;
  • Maintain supervision of all professional activities until issued with a Certificate of Registration for Autonomous Practice;
  • Maintain employment in the same setting(s) and under the terms specified when the Certificate was issued, or, inform the College in writing if they intends to change professional duties, work setting(s) and/or supervisors;
  • Pay the pro-rated membership fees;
  • Take the Ontario Examination for Professional Practice in Applied Behaviour Analysis (OEPPABA) within one year of issuance of the Certificate of Registration for Supervised Practice, and at least yearly thereafter if required;
  • Complete the Jurisprudence and Ethics Course and Assessment in Applied Behaviour Analysis (JECAABA) within one year of issuance of the Certificate of Registration for Supervised Practice (candidates must complete the JECAABA within 60 days from the date they registered in the course);
  • Have successfully complete all remaining registration requirements to achieve eligibility for a Certificate of Registration as a Behaviour Analyst Authorizing Autonomous Practice (i.e., have successfully completed supervised practice, a Training Plan if one was required, the OEPPABA, and JECAABA).


Role of the supervisor: training and evaluation of areas of knowledge and skills for professional practice

Supervisors play an important role in preparing supervised members for the autonomous practice of applied behaviour analysis. In all aspects, the supervisor should be sensitive to the needs of the supervised member and should make every effort to determine their requirements for training.

The period of formal supervised practice must include training and evaluation in the areas required for professional practice of applied behaviour analysis (please be advised that detailed information of the areas required for supervised practice will be available soon).

The supervisor accepts tutorial responsibility for raising the level of skills, knowledge and general professional functioning of a supervised member to a level acceptable for autonomous practice, in keeping with the competencies for applied behaviour analysis and any other requirements of the Registration Committee during the authorized supervised practice. As an on-going part of this tutorial process, they provide the supervised member with appraisals of their competencies. They formally agree to provide the College with objective assessments of the supervised member’s progress during the period of authorized supervised practice.

The supervisor accepts ultimate responsibility for the behaviour analytic services provided by the supervised member.

Specific responsibilities of the supervisor:

  • Setting training goals and objectives for the supervisory period, consistent with the competencies for the practice of applied behaviour analysis and any other requirements of the Registration Committee;
  • Assisting the supervised member in reaching the standard for autonomous practice;
  • Meeting with the supervised member in individual sessions a minimum of 2 hours every 2 weeks;
  • Supervising the supervised member’s professional performance, including training, monitoring, and assessment of performance, throughout the supervisory period;
  • Promptly bring to the supervised member’s attention any areas needing remediation and taking the lead role in developing a remediation plan;
  • Providing guidance to the supervised member in preparing for the Ontario Examination for Professional Practice in Applied Behaviour Analysis (OEPPABA) ;
  • Reporting to the College on the supervised member’s progress, assets, and liabilities, using the dated work appraisals provided by the College. The supervisor must record the dates, duration and content of each supervisory session. Clients’ names should not be included. The College must receive all appraisals before a supervised member is eligible for a Certificate of Registration as a Behaviour Analyst Authorizing Autonomous Practice.

Signing reports

Supervisors must co-sign all reports and formal correspondence related to behaviour analytic services prepared by their supervisee. Please see below for specific guidelines for supervised members working in a private practice setting.

Payment for provision of supervision 

Normally, a supervisor is expected to provide supervision as part of their collegial contribution to the profession. In certain circumstances, particularly in private practice settings, it may be necessary for a supervisor to request payment for the provision of supervision to supervised members, subject to the following conditions:

  • When the supervised member provides services to the supervisor’s clients, it would not be appropriate for the supervisor to seek payment for supervision from the supervised member. The supervision occurs in the normal course of providing services to the client and is part of the supervisor’s professional responsibility to the client.
  • On occasion, a supervised member may not have access to supervision in their work setting. In such cases, an offsite supervisor may consider charging a reasonable amount.

Use of the Supervisor’s Work Appraisal Form

Supervisors’ appraisals must be submitted to the College quarterly, using the form provided by the College, with attachments when appropriate.

The Supervisor’s Work Appraisal Form includes rating scales, with dimensions and rating categories which are intended to provide a consistent frame of reference for supervisors, supervised members, and the Registration Committee. Since the purpose of registration is public protection, supervisors are reminded that they are expected in their work appraisal forms to take very seriously their ratings of the candidate’s readiness for autonomous practice.

The Supervisor’s Work Appraisal Form requests a detailed record of supervisory contacts. Supervision should include review of all client files. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring accuracy and completeness with respect to all contacts with the candidate, the dates and duration of such contacts, and the supervisory themes.

In a separate section of the form, the supervisor is expected to indicate the different professional activities in which the candidate engages, and the hours devoted to each during the reported period.

To ensure that the supervisor and supervised member have reviewed the entire completed form, each must sign the declaration found at the end of the form.

Supervisor ratings indicating readiness for autonomous practice in all categories are a pre-requisite, by the end of the period under supervision, for the supervised member to receive a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice. The supervisee must maintain six (6) months of consistent supervision with the same supervisor before the end of their supervised practice period, and before they can receive a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice.  Supervised practice members who fail to meet this requirement will be referred to the Registration Committee for resolution.

Public Protection

Supervisors are reminded that the most important purpose of professional regulation is to protect the public from incompetent or unethical service providers. Here, the overall focus of post-degree supervision is to ensure that, by the end of the period under supervision, the supervised member is able to provide competent and ethical professional services, autonomously, within the areas of applied behaviour analysis in which the member has acquired knowledge, skill and judgement.

Supervised practice in a private practice setting

Supervised members may not conduct a personal private practice because their competencies have not been formally evaluated by the College and therefore the public risk is unknown.

Once a Certificate of Registration for Supervised Practice has been issued to a candidate, any activities which fall within the scope of practice of applied behaviour analysis will now be considered within the purview of the College and must be supervised.  Accordingly, during the period of authorized supervised practice all personal private practice of a helping nature, regardless of earlier qualification or designation, is not permitted. This prohibition against private practice is unrelated to the amount of time spent in such activities.

Supervised members may however work in the private practice of a member of the College, under the following conditions:

  • The setting provides such diversity in clientele and practice activities as will prepare the supervised member adequately for autonomous practice;
  • It is made clear to clients from the outset of provision of service, to third party insurers, and in all public announcements, that services are being provided by a supervised member. As well, the identity of the supervisor must be provided in each of these instances;
  • Clients are further advised that meetings between the clients and the supervisor may occur at the request of the client, the supervisor, or the supervised member;
  • All formal reports and communications are co-signed by the supervisor;
  • The supervised member provides the College with written assurance that billing of clients, and the collection of client fees, are carried out in the name of the supervisor. Such billing must include a statement of the supervisory relationship, the identities of the supervisor and supervisee, and the address and telephone number of the supervisor;
  • Where a private practice takes place at more than one site, the supervisor and the supervisee should work in the same site for the majority of the time.


A minimum of 1500 hours (and not less than 12 months) of authorized post-graduate supervised practice is required. This supervised practice must be authorized by the College and carried out while holding a Certificate of Registration for Supervised Practice.

Waiver of supervision 

Supervision may be waived only if the applicant has requirements equivalent to those of the College for a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice as a Behaviour Analyst. Applicants applying for a Certificate of Registration for a Behaviour Analyst Authorizing Autonomous Practice under Transitional Route #1 must provide evidence of active BCBA or BCBA-D certification in good standing with the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB).  Applicants who are unable to provide evidence of active BCBA or BCBA-D certification in good standing with BACB, may apply using Transitional Route #2.

Note: The Transitional Routes will close on July 1, 2026. 

Approval of start date for supervised practice  

The College will approve the start date for the supervised practice based upon the date that the supervisor confirms that supervision began, or the date that the last supporting document for the application was received by the College, whichever is later.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their completed application form and all supporting documentation in a timely manner to avoid any unnecessary delay in the review of their application and the start date of their supervised practice. It is the responsibility of the applicant to check the status of their application.

Expiry of the Certificate of Registration for Supervised Practice 

Supervised practice is intended to be a temporary and transitional period during which the candidate actively prepares for autonomous practice. The period of supervised practice is normally at least one year but is not more than two years. The expiry date is indicated on the Certificate of Registration for Supervised Practice.

Prior to the expiry date of the Certificate, the supervised member must submit a written request for an extension of their Certificate, if it is required. It is the responsibility of the supervised member to maintain a current Certificate of Registration for Supervised Practice. Otherwise, the person will cease to be a member of the College and must not hold themselves out as a person who is qualified to practise in Ontario as a Behaviour Analyst. (Section 8.(2), the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021)

As noted in Section 42.(1) of the Registration Regulation, the Certificate of Registration for Supervised Practice will expire immediately if the Registrar issues another Certificate of Registration. Normally it is expected that a Certificate of Registration for Autonomous Practice will be issued following the successful completion of all required examinations, prior to the date of expiry of the Certificate of Registration for Supervised Practice.


In all written and oral communications, the supervised member shall indicate that they are a Behaviour Analyst Authorized for Supervised Practice. In writing, the designation should adhere to the following:

Chris Doe, M.ADS, R.B.A. (Ont.) (Supervised Practice)

Chris Doe, M.ADS, Behaviour Analyst (Supervised Practice)