The College remains committed to the principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and to incorporating EDI into all aspects of the College’s work and its regulatory processes and encouraging the same within the larger profession. The College has created an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resource Page on which information and resources are posted and will be continually updated.
The EDI Working Group has continued to direct its efforts to the goals it established and remains focused on implementing diversity practices across the College Committees. This has included meetings with the Committee Chairs to discuss their Committees EDI initiatives and provide support as needed. Recently representatives of the Working Group made a presentation to the Jurisprudence and Ethics Examination Committee (JEEC). This Committee has embarked on a major review of the JEE, and the presentation was undertaken to guide the JEE exam item writing process and assist with incorporating EDI content and principles in the exam.
In April 2022, under the auspices of the Working Group, the College distributed an EDI survey to the membership. The survey was an effort to gather information on the diversity of the College membership. We received 1171 responses, approximately 25% of the membership, and the Working Group wants to thank all of those who took the time to respond. The Group is currently reviewing the information received with the intention of reporting to the membership in the near future. Anyone who has gathered information of this type can appreciate the complexities inherent in analyzing the responses received. We hope to undertake to survey the membership again in the future, incorporating the lessons learned from the initial responses.
The EDI Working Group plans to continue its work in a meeting later next month.