Continuing Professional Development


The College’s current online CPD credit tracking system is no longer available for new CPD cycles beginning after 2022. A new system is under development but not yet ready for use. Further information will be provided to members as soon as possible. In the meantime, a template which members may use to keep track of their CPD credits on their own personal devices is available on the College website and provided here.

The College’s mandatory Continuing Professional Development program was designed to promote continuing professional competence and ensure registrants are improving the quality of their services in an ongoing manner. To fulfill the requirements of the program, registrants must complete a combination of continuing education and professional development activities every two years during their assigned CPD cycle. The program works in conjunction with the Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan (SAG) to ensure that gaps in knowledge and experience identified in the SAG will be addressed by relevant CPD activities.


  • promote continuing competence and continuing quality improvement;
  • remedy gaps in knowledge and skills identified in registrants’ self-assessment;
  • address changes in practice environments; and,
  • incorporate standards of practice and advances in technology.


Registrants must complete the minimum requirements of the program within two-year cycles based upon their registration certificate number, as outlined below:

Continuing Professional Development Program Cycles

Certificate TypeEven Registration NumberOdd Registration Number
Autonomous Practice Certificate of RegistrationJuly 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025
Academic Certificate of RegistrationJuly 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025
Supervised Practice Certificate of RegistrationJuly 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025
Interim Autonomous Practice
Certificate of Registration
July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025
Inactive Certificate of RegistrationJuly 1, 2022 – June 30, 2024July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025


All registrants except for those holding a Retired Certificate of Registration must complete the requirements of the CPD program. The following guidance is provided for registrants who may have questions regarding the requirements applicable to their Certificate of Registration:

Retired Certificate
Only those registrants holding a Retired Certificate of Registration are exempt from completing the College’s CPD program requirements.
Autonomous Practice Certificate
Registrants with a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice must complete the CPD program requirements every two years, within the dates of the cycle related to their registration number.
Interim Autonomous Practice Certificate
Registrants holding a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Interim Autonomous Practice (IAP) are required to complete the requirements of the College’s Quality Assurance Program. Those registered with an IAP Certificate are, by definition, also registered within another jurisdiction. As a result, they are provided the option of submitting an Alternate Declaration of Completion in lieu of completing the College’s CPD program requirements if they have met the requirements of a similar, mandatory CPD program in their home jurisdiction.

If the home jurisdiction of an IAP registrant does not require participation in a CPD program, or if the registrant has not completed the full requirements of that program, they must complete the College’s CPD program requirements.

When a registrant’s Certificate of Registration changes – for example, from an Interim Autonomous Practice Certificate to an Autonomous Practice Certificate, this will result in a change of registration number. In some cases, a registrant’s certificate number changes from numerically “odd to “even”, or vice versa. The registrant’s two-year CPD cycle and Declaration of Completion deadline will then be based on their new (current) registration number. When this change occurs, registrants may apply hours from CPD activities completed within the last two-year period prior to their new Declaration deadline, regardless of their original cycle dates.
Supervised Practice Certificate
Those holding a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Supervised Practice must complete the requirements of the Quality Assurance program, including the CPD program. If a registrant in supervised practice is required to make a Declaration but has not yet been registered for at least two years, they may submit an Alternate Declaration of Completion which indicates to the College that, despite best efforts, they have been unable to fulfill the requirements of the CPD program as they have not had the benefit of a full two-year tracking period.

When a registrant’s Certificate of Registration changes – for example, from a Supervised Practice Certificate to an Autonomous Practice Certificate, this will result in a change of registration number. In some cases, a registrant’s certificate number changes from numerically “odd” to “even”, or vice versa. The registrant’s two-year CPD cycle and Declaration of Completion deadline will be based on their new (current) registration number. When this occurs, registrants may apply hours from CPD activities completed within the last two-year period prior to their new Declaration deadline, regardless of their original cycle dates.
Inactive Certificate
Registrants holding an Inactive Certificate of Registration must still complete the full requirements of the CPD program by the end date of their assigned two-year cycle. It is expected that registrants with inactive status will return to Autonomous Practice within two years and therefore must maintain their professional knowledge and skills.

Registrants that have obtained an Inactive Certificate because they are unable to provide professional services due to extenuating circumstances such as illness or injury, and are experiencing difficulty completing the CPD program requirements, must contact the College as early as possible, before their Declaration deadline. 
Autonomous Practice Registrants Licensed in More Than One Jurisdiction

Registrants that hold a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice and are also registered in another jurisdiction which requires the completion of a professional development program must complete the requirements of the College’s CPD program and submit a Declaration of Completion attesting to this by the end of their assigned two-year cycle. Registrants may count activities which they have completed in satisfaction of the requirements of another jurisdiction towards satisfaction of the College’s requirements.

Should another jurisdiction in which an Autonomous Practice registrant is registered require fewer hours/credits, the registrant will need to complete additional activities to close the gap and satisfy the requirements of the College’s CPD program.
Dual Registration (Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis)
Those with Dual Registration, meaning a registrant that holds Certificates of Registration with the College for the practice of both Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis, do not need to duplicate their efforts in satisfying the minimum requirements of the CPD program. Registrants with Dual Registration are encouraged to participate in a balance of profession specific CPD activities during their cycles, as well as any appropriate interdisciplinary activities.

Registrants may count applicable and relevant credits earned to satisfy the quality assurance requirements of another professional organization they may be registered with, towards their satisfaction of the College’s program requirements.


Registrants must complete a minimum of 50 hours of continuing education and professional development activities every two years during their assigned cycle. Please review the complete CPD Program Requirements for additional information about the types of content needed to complete a two-year cycle.


At the end of each two-year cycle, registrants are required to submit an electronic Declaration of Completion to the College as an attestation and documentation of their fulfillment of the CPD program requirements for the assigned period. The online Declaration form can be accessed by logging onto the Membership Service Area.

Alternate Declarations of Completion options will be found in the same area for those registered with Interim Autonomous Practice and Supervised Practice Certificates.


Registrants must submit only their CPD Declaration of Completion by the end date of their assigned cycle. Completed CPD tracking sheets and supporting documentation do not need to be submitted to the College unless these records are requested. Most often this occurs when a registrant is selected for a Quality Assurance assessment or audit.

Copies of all Quality Assurance records including completed CPD tracking sheets and supporting documentation must be retained in registrants’ personal files for a minimum of five years, in accordance with the Psychology and Applied Behaviour Analysis Act, 2021.