Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan

Each member with a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Autonomous Practice with the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario is required to undertake a self-review every other year, through the completion of the Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan (SAG/PDP).  Members with numerically even registration numbers complete the forms in the even-numbered years. Members with numerically odd registration numbers complete the forms in the odd-numbered years.

Members with Certificate of Registration Authorizing Supervised Practice are required to complete the Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan every year.

Members with a Certificate of Registration Authorizing Interim Autonomous Practice who are in compliance with the self-assessment requirements in their home jurisdictions will be provided with the option of attesting to the fulfillment of those requirements, in lieu of completing the Ontario Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan. In the event that their home jurisdiction does not have self-assessment requirements, or they are not in compliance with those requirements, they must complete the Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan on an annual basis.  

Please note that members with an Inactive Certificate of Registration are still required to complete the Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan. Since it is anticipated that inactive members will be returning to Active status, it is expected that steps will be taken to remain current in one’s areas of competence during the inactive period.

Members with a Retired Certificate of Registration are not required to complete the Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan.

Declaration of Completion

You must submit a Declaration of Completion through your CPBAO Membership Account once you have completed the Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan. This is the College’s assurance and documentation that you have participated in the mandatory self-assessment component of the Quality Assurance Program. 

Unless specifically requested by the College, your completed Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan does NOT need to be submitted but is to be retained in your files for a minimum of five years in accordance with O. Reg. 194/23: General. If you are selected to participate in a  Peer Assisted Review, the reviewers will wish to see this material.

Current Registration Certificate at the time a Declaration is required   Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan (SAG/PDP) Declaration Required
Supervised PracticeJune 30, annually
Interim Autonomous PracticeJune 30, annually
Note: If IAP members are in compliance with the self-assessment requirements of their home jurisdiction, they may submit an Alternate Declaration of Completion in lieu of completing the Ontario SAG/PDP
Autonomous PracticeJune 30 of the year in which your CPD Declaration is also due
AcademicJune 30 of the year in which your CPD Declaration is also due
InactiveJune 30 of the year in which your CPD Declaration is also due
RetiredNot Required

Questions regarding the completion of this material, or concerns about the deadline to complete the SAG/PDP and submit your Declaration of Completion, should be directed to