
Participation Opportunity

The College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts requires examiners to participate in the Oral Examination of Candidates seeking Registration as Psychologists and Psychological Associates.

As part of a self-regulating profession, each year Ontario psychologists and psychological associates make the time to participate in the various statutory committees and regulatory activities which contribute to the high quality of psychological services that are offered in this province. We are now looking for members who wish to bring their skills to the table and engage in this important function.

Oral examinations of candidates for registration are held twice a year, in December and June. The examination is administered via teleconference using the Zoom platform and each candidate is interviewed by a team of three members who question the candidate in their area(s) of practice and in the application of ethical and jurisprudence knowledge. To offer each candidate who is ready to undergo this final step in the registration process, the opportunity for this interview, the College requires a number of oral examiners for each session. At the recent examinations conducted in June 2024, a total of 48 examiners contributed their time and expertise.


  • Five or more years of practice since registration
  • No term, condition or limitation on Certificate of Registration
  • Not currently the subject of a matter pending before the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports, Discipline or Quality Assurance Committees.

Members able to conduct the oral examinations in French are especially needed.


Examinations take place over a 2-week period and examiners should be available to do a minimum of 2 examinations (equivalent to 1 day). Examiners are required for upcoming oral examinations being planned for December 2024 and June 2025.


Each examiner is paid a daily honorarium and other expenses incurred related to the oral exams are also covered.

Application Process

The selection of members to assist with a particular set of oral exams, from among those who are interested, is made based on a number of criteria. These include the necessity to match examiners’ area(s) of practice with that of the candidates, the need to provide bilingual examiners  for  Francophone  candidates,   and  the  desirability  of  having   both  new  and

experienced examiners on each team. In addition, the College strives to ensure the examination teams are made up of members from across the province. Due to the need to match examination teams with candidates, it is not always possible to involve all interested members.

If you are interested in being on the roster of oral examiners, please send an email to cpbao@cpbao.ca. Please indicate your area(s) of practice, as well as your availability for the upcoming dates: December 3-12, 2024.