Fourth Quarter – March 1, 2024 – May 31, 2024
During the fourth quarter, the Quality Assurance Committee of the College continued to plan for changes that will better assist registrants in maintaining their professional knowledge, skill and experience.
As of July 1, 2024, the requirements for fulfilling a two-year Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program cycle have been revised to simplify the applicable CPD activity sections used when categorizing participation, and to better focus registrant involvement in content areas relevant to the practise of ABA and/or psychology. For example, all registrants that provide formal supervision in a professional capacity must participate in a minimum of 3 hours per cycle of continuing education or professional development activities which include content pertaining to the maintenance or enhancement of their supervisory practices or skills. It is important that practitioners of both professions stay attuned to the requirements involved in providing sufficient supervision and supervised services.
Registrants that are participating in the ongoing “Odd Year” CPD cycle of July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025 may continue to observe the previous requirements for the duration of the cycle, should they wish.
New downloadable CPD Tracking Sheet templates which reflect the revised requirements will be made available in the CPD Program Resources section of the College website before the beginning of the next CPD cycle.
Newly Registered Behaviour Analysts
Upon registration with the College, Behaviour Analysts (BAs) are required to participate in the Quality Assurance Program as all other registrants are. For more information about the program components and requirements, please visit the Quality Assurance section of our website.
No self-assessment matters required Committee consideration during the fourth quarter.
Continuing Professional Development
Panels of the Committee also concluded five Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program audits. In all cases, the Panels concluded that the registrants had fulfilled the requirements of their two-year cycles. Although the panels did not identify any substantial concerns related to registrant participation, the following feedback was provided:
- Refrain from copying or distributing copyrighted test manuals or other materials for the purpose of participating in an audit.
- Reference the SMART Framework when developing Professional Development Plan (PDP)objectives, to ensure goals can be monitored and reflected upon while working towards achievement.
- Whenever changes to professional practice occur, return to and update the PDP as necessary throughout a two-year CPD cycle to support ongoing learning and participation in relevant activities.
Peer Assisted Reviews
No outstanding Peer Assisted Review matters were considered during the fourth quarter.
Call For Peer Assisted Review Assessors
As the Committee continues to clear the backload created during the Covid-19 Pandemic, it has also begun to prepare for the next selection of registrants to undergo Peer Assisted Reviews.
The Committee is currently seeking registrants interested in becoming College Assessors to lead reviews of fellow registrants and thereby help in fulfilling the College’s mandate to ensure ethical and competent practice, and benefit themselves from collegial interaction. Registrants with the following authorizations that would like information about becoming a College Assessor are asked to contact Quality Assurance staff by e-mail at qualityassurance@cpbao.ca:
· Neuropsychology
· Rehabilitation Psychology
· Health Psychology
· Seniors (Population)
Registrants that are bilingual in English and French are also encouraged to join the Assessor Roster.
To be considered for the Assessor Roster, registrants must have held a certificate of Registration for Autonomous Practice with the College for at least five years and are currently in active practice as a psychologist or psychological associate.