Third Quarter – December 1, 2023 – February 29, 2024
During the third quarter, of this fiscal year, the Quality Assurance Committee has continued its review of the Quality Assurance Program and further considered long-term changes that will better assist registrants in maintaining their professional knowledge, skill and judgment.
Work is currently underway to simplify the requirements and encourage more meaningful participation between the regular declaration dates.
For example:
- The Self-Assessment Guide and CPD tracking mechanisms will be combined to form a Quality Assurance Portfolio to allow for ongoing monitoring of goals and achievements.
- Existing CPD categories will be simplified.
- Additional CPD requirements will be put in place for those engaged in Supervision.
- The process for review of legislative, regulatory and ethical standards, as well as self-reflection on practice, will be revised to make the process more dynamic and engaging.
- The process for engaging College members in the more intensive Quality Assurance activities, like Peer Assisted reviews will be revised and a step-wise process will see that those members most in need of assistance will be more intensively involved than others.
The Committee intends to make these changes within the next year. The Committee has also finalized short-term changes to the Continuing Professional Development component of the QA Program that will take effect July 1, 2024, to ensure the requirements are appropriate for the regulation of behaviour analysts, as well as psychologists and psychological associates.
Registrants required to make their Declarations of Completion for the Self-Assessment Guide and Continuing Professional Development Plan (SAG), and the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program by June 30, 2024, will receive additional information and instructions in the coming weeks by e-mail. Members are encouraged to ensure that the College is on their “safe-senders” list to ensure that they receive this and other important messages from the College.
Panels reviewed the participation of six members in the Self-Assessment process. In five cases, the members were seen to have met all requirements. In one matter, the panel formed serious concerns and referred the member to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee.
Continuing Professional Development
Panels of the Committee also concluded nine Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program audits. In all cases, the panels concluded that the members had met program requirements. Although the panels did not identify any substantial concerns related to completion of the CPD program requirements. The following feedback was provided:
- Greater detail when documenting the benefit of completed CPD activities towards enhancing professional knowledge, skill and judgment, would be beneficial to the process of self-reflection.
- Formal supporting records, where available, would assist in the verification of completed CPD activities.
- All records related to completion of the Quality Assurance Program requirements (SAG/CPD) must be retained for a minimum of five years.
- Interim Autonomous Practice registrants must ensure completion of the College’s CPD Program requirements if they have not satisfied the complete professional development requirements set out by the regulator in their home jurisdiction.
Peer Assisted Reviews
A panel of the Committee reviewed one Peer Assisted Review Report and concluded the matter after determining that the member was adhering to the Standards of the Profession.
As the Committee continues to clear up the backlog in reviews caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Committee made a decision to conduct the next stratified random selection with a focus on registrants that have been the subject of two or more remedial dispositions from the Inquiries, Complains and Reports Committee of the College within the last five years.