

Public Consultation

The College is inviting comments on proposed amendments to the College By-laws: By-law 5: Selection of Committee Chairs and Committee Members and By-law 20: Election to Council, Qualifications, Terms of Office, and Conditions for Disqualification.    More >>>


Quality Assurance News

Working within the statutory requirements established for all Health Regulatory Colleges in Ontario; the College views its Quality Assurance Programs as a means of supporting members in maintaining their knowledge and skills throughout their careers.   More >>>


Elections to Council 2022

Nominations are now being accepted for the Council elections being held on Thursday, March 31, 2022. The three-year term of the newly elected Council members will begin on June 17, 2022; the first scheduled Council meeting following the election. The College encourages and welcomes all members from the eligible districts […]   More >>>


President’s Message

It’s October in Ontario and my mind turns to Thanksgiving.  Whether you formally celebrate this holiday or not, I believe that a thankful or grateful mindset is valuable.  The field of positive psychology has done much to confirm ways that an attitude of gratitude is associated with many desired outcomes, […]   More >>>