

Quality Assurance News

Working within the statutory requirements established for all Health Regulatory Colleges in Ontario; the College views its Quality Assurance Programs as a means of supporting members in maintaining their knowledge and skills throughout their careers.   More >>>


Information from the Practice Advice Service

The Practice Advice Service provides information to College members and members of the public regarding relevant Legislation, Regulations, Standards of Professional Conduct, 2017, and other Guidelines. Answers are provided by College staff in response to specific inquiries and may not be applicable or generalize to all circumstances. Information is provided to support College members in exercising their professional judgement and is not an appropriate substitute for advice from a qualified legal professional.   More >>>


Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) Decisions

The following are summaries of some recent decisions of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports C reflecting three different dispositions. They are provided for educational purposes. Information in these summaries has been altered to protect the privacy of both members and complainants, and to protect the confidentiality of the investigation process. The relevant substance of the allegations and outcomes remain unchanged.   More >>>


Masking Requirements – March 22, 2022

As you know, mask mandates were lifted in most public spaces in Ontario as of yesterday, March 21, 2022. This is part of the province’s move away from emergency measures towards a longer-term approach to managing the dynamic COVID-19 situation. According to the Ministry of Health technical brief, the removal […]   More >>>


Public Consultation

The College is inviting comments on proposed amendments to the College By-laws: By-law 5: Selection of Committee Chairs and Committee Members and By-law 20: Election to Council, Qualifications, Terms of Office, and Conditions for Disqualification.    More >>>


Quality Assurance News

Working within the statutory requirements established for all Health Regulatory Colleges in Ontario; the College views its Quality Assurance Programs as a means of supporting members in maintaining their knowledge and skills throughout their careers.   More >>>