

Council Meeting – May 9, 2023

A Special Meeting of the College Council will be held on Tueday, May 9, 2023 from 9:00AM – 10:00AM. The Agenda and Materials are available below. This meeting will be held virtually through YouTube. To watch please click here.   More >>>


President’s Message

In her timeless, 1860’s poem, “Hope” is the thing with feathers , Emily Dickinson captured the essence of a powerful predictor of psychological coping and well-being in poetry during a difficult time in her life.   More >>>


Quality Assurance News

Working within the statutory requirements established for all Health Regulatory Colleges in Ontario; the College views its Quality Assurance Programs as a means of supporting members in maintaining their knowledge and skills throughout their careers. While adhering to the rigorous legislative requirements, the College’s Quality Assurance Programs have been designed to be […]   More >>>


Discipline Committee Report

THIRD QUARTER, DECEMBER 1, 2022 – FEBRUARY 28, 2023 Referrals to Discipline There were no referrals to the Discipline Committee in the 3rd quarter. PRE-HEARINGS Dr. Ian Shields The pre-hearing for this matter was held on February 14, 2023. The Hearing has not yet been scheduled. HEARINGS Hearings were held […]   More >>>