
The download above contains the following By-laws of the College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario:

By-law 1: Interpretation Provisions (Revoked)    

By-law 2: Seal of the College      

By-law 3: Meetings of the Council           

By-law 4: Election of Members of Executive Committee

By-law 5: Selection of Committee Chairs and Committee Members

By-law 6: Committee Procedures (Revoked)

By-law 7: Appointed Officers (Revoked)

By-law 8: Signing Officers (Revoked)

By-law 9: Banking and Finance

By-law 10: Borrowing (Revoked)

By-law 11: Purchasing and Leasing

By-law 12: Execution of Summonses, Notices and Orders

By-law 13: Audit

By-law 14: Remuneration of Council and Committee Members

By-law 15: College Memberships

By-law 16: Codes of Ethics and Practice for Members

By-law 17: Procedure for Making, Amending or Revoking By-laws

By-law 18: Fees

By-law 19: Appointment of Non-Council Members to Committees of the College and Conditions for Disqualification

By-law 20: Elections to Council, Qualifications, Terms of Office and Conditions for Disqualification  

By-law 21: Committee Composition

By-law 22: Professional Liability Insurance

By-law 23: Professional Corporations

By-law 24: Forms

By-law 25: The Register and Related Matters