Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program Resources

Registrants are encouraged to maintain records of their CPD participation during each two-year cycle. This is best done through a tracking sheet which includes the following information that would be requested by the College in the event of a Quality Assurance assessment or audit.

Information recorded on a tracking sheet should include:

  • the date each activity was completed
  • the CPD section (A, B, or C) the activity is categorized under
  • the number of hours spent in each activity
  • the portion of hours from each activity related to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and/or Jurisprudence/ Ethics, and/or Supervision (if applicable)
  • a description of the content of the activity
  • a brief reflection on how the activity enhanced the one’s knowledge, skill and judgment, or assisted in the achievement of a previously set professional development objective from their last completed Self-Assessment Guide

Registrants must also retain supporting documentation which verifies their participation in the recorded activities, when available. Documentation can include e-mail correspondence, registration confirmations, course syllabi, presentation slides, etc. When formal documentation is not available or provided for an activity, registrants must ensure sufficient detail is included in their tracking sheets activity descriptions to facilitate verification, if audited:

  • the name of the activity organizer, provider, or association
  • the names of involved peers or colleagues (e.g., supervisor/ supervised individual, consulting practitioner, etc.)
  • the content of the event as it related to professional development



This template will allow registrants to record their CPD information using a Word document. It can also be printed for hard copy use. This template requires registrants to manually calculate their credit completion to monitor progress. Please ensure the file is saved to your computer after clicking download.    

Please note that if the file has opened for viewing in your internet browser, information entered will not be saved.
This template will allow registrants to enter their CPD information using a spreadsheet. It will automatically calculate credit completion towards the program requirements, while observing the section limits. The credit summary will update automatically.  Please ensure the file is saved to your computer after clicking download.

Please note that if the file has opened for viewing in your internet browser, information entered will not be saved.

Registrants may also create their own activity tracking forms, but it is encouraged that they reference a completed College sample to ensure the level of detail required is included.


An online tracking tool which will be available through the College Membership Service Area is currently under development. Registrants will be notified once this tool is ready for use. It is recommended that registrants continue to use the available resources to maintain their CPD records in the meantime.


Registrants must submit only their CPD Declaration of Completion by the end date of their assigned cycle. Completed CPD tracking sheets and supporting documentation do not need to be submitted to the College unless these records are requested. Most often this occurs when a registrant is selected for a Quality Assurance assessment or audit.

Copies of all Quality Assurance records including completed CPD tracking sheets and supporting documentation must be retained in registrants’ personal files for a minimum of five years, in accordance with the Psychology Act, 1991.